Loyola University Chicago's suite of programs in Urban Affairs and Public Policy stands at the forefront of research and career opportunities. Transform your concerns about social problems into the capacity to thoroughly examine them, devise fitting solutions, and subsequently take meaningful action. 

Whether in the non-profit realm, private industry, or within government at the federal, state, and local levels, our programs position students to make a substantial impact on the dynamic landscape of urban governance. 

Meet Mariam Pera


Meet Mariam Pera, a new adjunct in the MPP and MAUA programs. How do nonprofit organizations help advance society’s equity and service goals? Mariam has some insight into that question as the Donor Relations Manager for Strategic Initiatives at the national office of the YMCA. She draws on more than a decade of experience in the nonprofit world, engaging in grant writing, fund raising, and general program and organizational management. She will be covering some of those topics in her course on Grant Writing for Loyola.

Mariam’s history with Loyola University Chicago goes back to her undergraduate years when she majored in journalism and international studies. Her first job following graduation was with Loyola’s Development Office starting as a grant writer and rising to Corporate and Foundations Relation Officer. Her upward trajectory continued with the national office of the YMCA where she works to establish and manage relationships between external partners and program teams within the YMCA. She now participates on the other side of the grant writing relationship in awarding grants and working with the recipients on grant management and oversight.

Mariam continued her education at Loyola completing the MPP degree while working full-time for the university. She knows the program; she knows Chicago; and she knows the nonprofit world. If you would like to know more or pursue this type of career, consider taking Mariam’s Grant Writing class while studying at Loyola University Chicago.