

Daily Examen

The Examen is the foundational form of prayer for Ignatius of Loyola, as it is rooted in one’s experience, emotions, and recognition of the on-going gifts that are offered to each of us uniquely. Join members of the Division of Mission Integration in a different Examen each day through different themes, perspectives, and presenters!

Examen 01: General

Our first Examen of the month is general, inviting you to pay attention to what happened and how you were in this past day.

PRESENTER: Lauren Schwer, DMin, Director, Ignatian Spirituality; Adjunct Professor, Institute for Pastoral Studies

Examen 02: Civic Life

No matter what place you call home, no matter your citizenship, no matter what issues seem to unite or divide you from your neighbor, God calls all of us to contribute to the common good in our community. Pray and reflect upon this profound responsibility.

PRESENTER: Megan Barry, MA, MSW, Director, Community Service & Action

Examen 03: Traditional

Join Fr. Jerry in this heartfelt Examen as we explore the daily life and spiritual journey of a campus chaplain together through this personal prayer.

PRESENTER: Fr. Jerry Overbeck, S.J., Resident Chaplain, Baumhart Hall

Examen 04: Language

Language awareness and understanding. This examen wants to deepen people’s awareness of the power of language in their life and interactions.

PRESENTER: Aleja Sastoque Luna, MA, MAPC, Assistant Director of Faith Communities, Campus Ministry

Examen 05: Allyship

We are all called to practice solidarity and right-relationship in our daily lives. This Examen invites us to reflect on that call, and to open ourselves to future actions with clarity and hope.

PRESENTER: Ann Hillman, MDiv, Director, Health Sciences Campus Ministry

Examen 06: Nature

In this examen, we reflect on nature and how we might pay more attention to the everyday gifts of nature that God has given us.

PRESENTER: Meg Hogan, Operations Manager, Campus Ministry

Examen 07: General

In this examen, we walk through our experience of the day, re-membering its gifts and graces, and asking what deeper response God might be inviting from us.

PRESENTER: Claire Noonan, DMin, Vice President for Mission Integration

Examen 08: Community

Consider what role community plays in your life and how you feel about your community today. This examen will prompt reflection on relationships, togetherness, isolation, and connection.

PRESENTER: Bizzy Stephenson (she/her), Community Outreach Program Coordinator, Community Service & Action

Examen 09: Secular

Today’s Examen is a secular reflection on how your day has gone interiorly, with a focus on the emotions you encountered throughout the day’s circumstances and events.

PRESENTER: Lauren Schwer, DMin, Director, Ignatian Spirituality; Adjunct Professor, Institute for Pastoral Studies

Examen 10: Racial Justice

In this Examen you will hear a story and reflection directly from Rhonda V. Magee’s book titled The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness.

PRESENTER: Rev. Ramona Bamgbose (she/her/ella), Chaplain, Health Sciences Campus Ministry

Examen 11: Peace and Reconciliation

This Examen asks you to reflect on wonder, order and disorder, and yearning.

PRESENTER: Omer Mozaffar, Muslim Chaplain, Campus Ministry

Examen 12: General

General Daily Examen centered on gratitude and hope.

PRESENTER: Steven Betancourt, MM (he/him), Director, Campus Ministry

Examen 13: Ecological

Spend time reflecting in (or about) nature and the wonder that we can find in the natural world. Today focus on the moments of awe you feel from being in creation.

PRESENTER: Claire Erlenborn, MA, LSW (she/her), Retreat Coordinator, Campus Ministry

Examen 14: Gratitude

In our busy lives, we often overlook the simple joys. Today, let's take a step back and cherish what we're thankful for.

PRESENTER: Klamesha P. Richards, MA (she/her), Associate Director, Ignatian Spirituality

Examen 15: Relationships

Where might you have experienced God in your relationships today? How might God’s be working through others to invite you to love more deeply?

PRESENTER: Jeff Peak, MA (he/him), Assistant Director of Retreats, Campus Ministry

Examen 16: Looking Back to Look Forward

As we look forward to the end of the semester and what we need to do to get there, it is important to take time to slow down and look back at how we got where we are now.

PRESENTER: Rev. Emily Heitzman, MDiv, MA (she/her), Campus Minister for Faith and Justice, Campus Ministry

Examen 17: Beauty

Daily life is filled with many beautiful moments, some of which we can easily miss and underappreciate. In this examen, we will focus on how we encounter beauty in many and sometimes surprising forms throughout our day and learn to see these experiences as invitations to open ourselves to God’s will for us.

PRESENTER: Derrick Witherington, PhD, STD (he/him), Assistant Director of Sacramental Life, Campus Ministry

Examen 18: Surprise and Awe

Awe transcends surprise and is a feeling of being in the presence of something beyond us, something only God could create. This Examen encourages us to open our eyes and hearts to moments that sparked awe in our daily lives.

PRESENTER: Justin Hoch, LSW, MA (he/him), Chaplain, Health Sciences Campus Ministry

Examen 19: General

General daily examen focused on mindfulness and gratitude.

PRESENTER: Ana Koulouris (she/her/ella), Department Coordinator, Health Sciences Campus Ministry