Artistic Vision/Artistic Expression
June 12 - September 5, 2010
This exhibition represents a five-month collaboration between LUMA and Casa de Providencia. Run by Saint Joseph Services, Casa provides outreach services in Humboldt Park so that immigrant and inner-city families have access to an after school program for children, English as a Second Language classes, computer labs, and spirituality programs.
Every Wednesday afternoon from January to June, Curator of Education Ann Meehan, Master Teacher Susan Friel, and Education Assistant Carolyn Ziembo worked with Latino youth ages 9 to 14 on two projects.
First, students visited LUMA to see the Martin D'Arcy Collection. There, they viewed the desco da parto, a birth tray from Italy that depicts four scenes from the story of David and Goliath. Also in the D'Arcy, they saw several triptychs (three-paneled paintings). Taking inspiration from both art forms, students were asked to paint triptychs depicting themselves overcoming obstacles.
For the second half of the program, students used images from Moholy: An Education of the Senses (on view at LUMA from February 11 to May 09, 2010) as a springboard to create collages, photograms, and line drawings. They also viewed photographs by the artist László Moholy-Nagy and were encouraged to capture their community by looking at the world from a different point of view, just as Moholy had done.
Image: Moving by Noreyde Nava
June 12 - September 5, 2010
This exhibition represents a five-month collaboration between LUMA and Casa de Providencia. Run by Saint Joseph Services, Casa provides outreach services in Humboldt Park so that immigrant and inner-city families have access to an after school program for children, English as a Second Language classes, computer labs, and spirituality programs.
Every Wednesday afternoon from January to June, Curator of Education Ann Meehan, Master Teacher Susan Friel, and Education Assistant Carolyn Ziembo worked with Latino youth ages 9 to 14 on two projects.
First, students visited LUMA to see the Martin D'Arcy Collection. There, they viewed the desco da parto, a birth tray from Italy that depicts four scenes from the story of David and Goliath. Also in the D'Arcy, they saw several triptychs (three-paneled paintings). Taking inspiration from both art forms, students were asked to paint triptychs depicting themselves overcoming obstacles.
For the second half of the program, students used images from Moholy: An Education of the Senses (on view at LUMA from February 11 to May 09, 2010) as a springboard to create collages, photograms, and line drawings. They also viewed photographs by the artist László Moholy-Nagy and were encouraged to capture their community by looking at the world from a different point of view, just as Moholy had done.
Image: Moving by Noreyde Nava