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Rule of Law Institute

LAW - Rule of Law Institute

Rule of Law Institute

The rule of law underlies all political, economic, and social goods. It ensures equal access and responsibility to the law, accountability, due process, and transparency. To overcome today’s global challenges – violence, infringement of human rights, environmental destruction, economic inequality, injustice, poverty, and hunger – the rule of law is essential.

Who we are

This Institute is established within Loyola as a center for the advancement of the rule of law. We seek to develop ground-breaking research, produce new solutions, and prompt real change that will empower individual lives, assist economic development, and advance legal standing.

By identifying expertise and commitment within the Loyola community, as well other domestic and international actors, we hope to produce knowledge and processes that can be shared and leveraged for change. The Institute also seeks to find external partners who can contribute to such research and research opportunities, serve as change partners, and expand the national and global reach of the institute and its mission.

Centers and Inititatives

The Institute is an inter-disciplinary entity. It is composed of three centers and an academic arm that researches, analyzes, and produces new knowledge about rule of law issues, develops solutions for those problems, and implements those solutions to the betterment of society.

Center for Applied Research

The mission of this Center is to conduct scholarship and research on a wide range of international and domestic rule of law topics and issues, with a targeted emphasis on sustainable development, and environmental and economic issues. It will sponsor Fellows from within and outside of the University. The Center will establish the first Rule of Law Library of Scholarship and Applied Research.

Director: Dr. Abraham Singer, PhD, Department of Management, Quinlan School of Business, Loyola University Chicago

The Center for Policy, Legislation, and Governance

The mission of this Center is to implement social change. Directed and staffed by experts with experience in policy formulation and implementation, legislative drafting and enactment, and governance generally, this Center transforms the work done by scholars and researchers into policy and law.

Acting Director: Paul Kantwill, Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.) JD, LLM

The Center for Global Partnerships and Strategic Engagement

The mission of this Center is to bring together the talent and resources of the University and external entities, both public and private. In this endeavor, the Center will collaborate with research organizations, law firms, human rights organizations, refugee organizations, and with other institutions with similar missions.

Director: Jeanne Colleran, Ph.D.


Rule of Law for Development Program (PROLAW)

The mission of PROLAW is to equip legal and development professionals with the knowledge and practical skills needed to inspire, lead and manage national efforts to strengthen the laws and institutions required to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. It is the degree-granting arm of the Institute.

Executive Director: Thomas McInerney, J.D.

The Faculty and Scholar Directory

The Institute is just beginning our work, but we have already achieved significant results at the local, state, and federal levels. We invite you to join the conversation and become part of the faculty and scholar directory to stay updated on all of the institutes work.

In The News

Strengthening the Rule of Law

Strengthening the Rule of Law

Loyola PROLAW grads in Ukraine work to make real change

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Annual Rule of Law Institute Symposium
Friday, April 28, 2023

Annual Rule of Law Institute Symposium

Friday, April 28, 2023 | 9:00 a.m. - 3 p.m. | Corboy Law Center, Room 1101

This year’s Rule of Law Institute Symposium features presentations by Loyola faculty and graduate students on a wide range of topics, including how enslaved persons used colonial courts to secure their freedom, the status of LGBTQ rights in South Korea, and the role of climate laws in advancing environmental justice around the globe.

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The rule of law underlies all political, economic, and social goods. It ensures equal access and responsibility to the law, accountability, due process, and transparency. To overcome today’s global challenges – violence, infringement of human rights, environmental destruction, economic inequality, injustice, poverty, and hunger – the rule of law is essential.

Who we are

This Institute is established within Loyola as a center for the advancement of the rule of law. We seek to develop ground-breaking research, produce new solutions, and prompt real change that will empower individual lives, assist economic development, and advance legal standing.

By identifying expertise and commitment within the Loyola community, as well other domestic and international actors, we hope to produce knowledge and processes that can be shared and leveraged for change. The Institute also seeks to find external partners who can contribute to such research and research opportunities, serve as change partners, and expand the national and global reach of the institute and its mission.

Centers and Inititatives

The Institute is an inter-disciplinary entity. It is composed of three centers and an academic arm that researches, analyzes, and produces new knowledge about rule of law issues, develops solutions for those problems, and implements those solutions to the betterment of society.

The Institute is just beginning our work, but we have already achieved significant results at the local, state, and federal levels. We invite you to join the conversation and become part of the faculty and scholar directory to stay updated on all of the institutes work.