Kristina Lasker

Getting bar ready

Kristina Lasker (JD ’19) helps students prepare for the bar exam

It’s the moment of truth for every new Loyola Law graduate: the bar exam. Passing the comprehensive, rigorous test is required to practice law in the United States. The School of Law’s academic success and bar preparation team works with students throughout their time in law school to help prepare them for the exam.

Kristina Lasker (JD ’19), assistant director of academic success and bar programs, explains how her office helps dispel fears and prepares students for successful exam outcomes.

What can students expect when they arrive at your office?

One of our first questions will be, how are you using your time? And do you know your learning style? A lot of students have no clue how they best learn. You may be an auditory learner, meaning you need to listen to lectures rather than take notes or try to color code. Or we talk about whether they best study in solitude or a social environment. During bar prep, a lot of people want to work together, because that’s the only socialization they get. But that’s not helpful for people who are solitary learners.

Do first-year students need to think about the bar exam?

You’re getting ready for the bar exam from the second you start classes as a first-year student. The first-year doctrinal courses are tested as part of the current bar exam. Passing the bar exam determines whether you can practice law. Ideally, we want to start in the fall with 1Ls and talk about their learning style, how they’re scheduling their time, and creating outlines to organize topics. We want to emphasize that truly understanding the law is what matters, not just memorizing outlines. All of this is going to set them up for success.

For students who need extra help, what kind of academic support does the office provide?

In the spring semester, we offer Advanced Legal Analysis, which is a for-credit refresher course that provides students with more tailored teaching. We also stress bar-related classes such as bar exam fundamentals and bar essay writing skills, where students will practice essay writing and multi-state performance tests.

“You’re getting ready for the bar exam from the second you start classes as a first-year law student.”

What can students expect from the exam?

All first-year law classes are represented on the exam: constitutional law, criminal law, property law, civil procedure, and so on. Then we have some other bar-recommended courses at Loyola, such as secured transactions, trusts and estates, and business organizations. We’re here to ensure the bar exam isn’t this daunting, scary thing awaiting students right after they graduate from law school. We’re here to help. –Andrew Faught (April 2023)

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Loyola University Chicago School of Law is a student-focused law center inspired by the Jesuit tradition of academic excellence, intellectual openness, and service to others.

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