Soy Toner
DMS purchases non-petroleum based toner from Environment First Printing. Normal toner contains powder derived from petroleum, much of which is sourced overseas. Soybean oil on the other hand affords similar chemical make-up from a much more renewable resource. EFP states that this process results in the impact of saving three liters of petroleum per toner cartridge. As the chemical make-up is the same, there is no difference in quality, longetivity, or adhesion. As a result, these efforts show now impact on the quality of the prints done in our labs. EFP supports all the standard B&W and Color model printers we have in our public access computing lab and kiosk locations (B&W: HP P4015, HP M602, HP M605, HP M608; Color: HP M750).
For other departments on-campus with similar models and interest in pursuing such supplies, you may contact EFP directly. EFP offers numerous toner cartridge options beyond those we offer in our labs, so it may be possible that they offer toner for your office or departmental printers. Feel free to contact them directly with your printer list so they can provide more details. With our experiences, pricing has remained competitive with consistent attention to quality.
Recycling Efforts
We address recycling efforts across several avenues:
- Paper Recycling Bins. Our multimedia computer labs and kiosk locations all feature blue recycle bins for paper products.
- Lab Toner Recycling. Our empty toner cartridges are picked up for recycling by our vendor, Warehouse Direct. For departments interested in recycling empty toner cartridges, notify your WHD rep or indicate pickup of empty toner cartridges at to be done at the time of delivery of new toner or paper supplies.
- Small Electronics Recycling. DMS hosts two small electronics recycling bins for from the Loyola community to safely recycle personal e-waste, such as old cellphones, personal printing cartridges, miscellaneous cables, and anything else electronic. Visit Information Commons 2nd floor at LSC or Corboy Law Center room 608 at WTC to drop off personal electronics you wish to recycle.
- Departmental Electronics Recycling. Departments can make a request through the ITS Self-Service Portal with more information to assess and schedule such a pickup. Departmental equipment and technology recycling is coordinated by the PC Refresh team within Information Technology Services.
Energy-Efficient Equipment
We regularly assess and take into consideration the impact of energy-efficient equipment. Although our multimedia lab computers remain on and active for ease of use and access, Information Technology Services continues to ensure screen saver/sleep functions are enabled to reduce power consumption to monitors and workstations. Similar settings are configured for instructor classroom, and faculty/staff on-campus workstations. Much of our multimedia lab and printer resources have EnergyStar certification and are a factor when assessing and determining new equipment loan items. Learn more about EnergyStar here.
History of Our Commitment to Sustainability
This section gives a historical overview of our commitment to sustainability:
- 2016 - DMS evaluates non-petroleum based toner options, identifying a new vendor that offers such toner for all B&W and Color lab printer models we support, as opposed to one model from the prior years.
- 2014 - DMS develops an "LUclean" initiative, focusing on assessing alternatives to petroleum-based toner and recycle paper options.
- 2011 - Public access color printers unified to all HP brands for both B&W and Color printer model types, ensuring consistent support and EnergyStar considerations.
- 2010 - All public access printers are updated to print duplex (double-sided) by default.
- 2008 - Implementation of screen savings/power savings functionality deployed to multimedia lab workstations. (Date approximate).
Although not directly associated to these efforts, we have observed trends over the years for greater adoption of online homework assignment submissions and testing, electronic textbooks and eReaders/eBook usage, electronic form usage over paper forms, and so forth. These trends have similarly aided with small declines in printing demands and needs and print waste as well.
Information Technology Services (ITS) supports environmental sustainability initiative as focused on printing and print consumables. This page identifies strategic steps we've taken over the years, resources we use, and recommendations for individuals to help support these goals.
Soy Toner
DMS purchases non-petroleum based toner from Environment First Printing. Normal toner contains powder derived from petroleum, much of which is sourced overseas. Soybean oil on the other hand affords similar chemical make-up from a much more renewable resource. EFP states that this process results in the impact of saving three liters of petroleum per toner cartridge. As the chemical make-up is the same, there is no difference in quality, longetivity, or adhesion. As a result, these efforts show now impact on the quality of the prints done in our labs. EFP supports all the standard B&W and Color model printers we have in our public access computing lab and kiosk locations (B&W: HP P4015, HP M602, HP M605, HP M608; Color: HP M750).
For other departments on-campus with similar models and interest in pursuing such supplies, you may contact EFP directly. EFP offers numerous toner cartridge options beyond those we offer in our labs, so it may be possible that they offer toner for your office or departmental printers. Feel free to contact them directly with your printer list so they can provide more details. With our experiences, pricing has remained competitive with consistent attention to quality.
Recycling Efforts
We address recycling efforts across several avenues:
- Paper Recycling Bins. Our multimedia computer labs and kiosk locations all feature blue recycle bins for paper products.
- Lab Toner Recycling. Our empty toner cartridges are picked up for recycling by our vendor, Warehouse Direct. For departments interested in recycling empty toner cartridges, notify your WHD rep or indicate pickup of empty toner cartridges at to be done at the time of delivery of new toner or paper supplies.
- Small Electronics Recycling. DMS hosts two small electronics recycling bins for from the Loyola community to safely recycle personal e-waste, such as old cellphones, personal printing cartridges, miscellaneous cables, and anything else electronic. Visit Information Commons 2nd floor at LSC or Corboy Law Center room 608 at WTC to drop off personal electronics you wish to recycle.
- Departmental Electronics Recycling. Departments can make a request through the ITS Self-Service Portal with more information to assess and schedule such a pickup. Departmental equipment and technology recycling is coordinated by the PC Refresh team within Information Technology Services.
Energy-Efficient Equipment
We regularly assess and take into consideration the impact of energy-efficient equipment. Although our multimedia lab computers remain on and active for ease of use and access, Information Technology Services continues to ensure screen saver/sleep functions are enabled to reduce power consumption to monitors and workstations. Similar settings are configured for instructor classroom, and faculty/staff on-campus workstations. Much of our multimedia lab and printer resources have EnergyStar certification and are a factor when assessing and determining new equipment loan items. Learn more about EnergyStar here.
History of Our Commitment to Sustainability
This section gives a historical overview of our commitment to sustainability:
- 2016 - DMS evaluates non-petroleum based toner options, identifying a new vendor that offers such toner for all B&W and Color lab printer models we support, as opposed to one model from the prior years.
- 2014 - DMS develops an "LUclean" initiative, focusing on assessing alternatives to petroleum-based toner and recycle paper options.
- 2011 - Public access color printers unified to all HP brands for both B&W and Color printer model types, ensuring consistent support and EnergyStar considerations.
- 2010 - All public access printers are updated to print duplex (double-sided) by default.
- 2008 - Implementation of screen savings/power savings functionality deployed to multimedia lab workstations. (Date approximate).
Although not directly associated to these efforts, we have observed trends over the years for greater adoption of online homework assignment submissions and testing, electronic textbooks and eReaders/eBook usage, electronic form usage over paper forms, and so forth. These trends have similarly aided with small declines in printing demands and needs and print waste as well.