Printing & Posters
Digital Media Services supports numerous avenues for on-campus printing. Select from the options below that best fits your printing needs.

MobilePrint is the University-wide system for ease of printing from computer labs and kiosk locations for our Loyola community. It's as simple as sending an email with your documents attached, then swiping your Loyola ID at one of the printer release stations to process and print your job. File uploads to the MobilePrint website and direct printing from any computer lab printer make it just as easy. If you don't have your Loyola ID, or are an Alumni/Guest, you can purchase and use a Courtesy Card to release print jobs.
Poster Printing
Large-format poster printing is available at all 3 main campuses, enabling numerous poster presentations, research symposiums, as well as limited on-campus or event signage.

Tabloid Flyers
Print 11"x17" fliers with ease from our self-service Color/Tabloid printers at our main service locations to elevate awareness of your events, personal posters, or signage.

Buttons, Magnets, Keychain Printing
We offer printing services for buttons, magnets, and keychains enabling customized promotional items or mementos at affordable prices and flexible order quantities.
MobilePrint Locations
Document Scanning
Several of our computer lab locations offer flatbed document scanners, great for digitizing images, documents, or otherwise preparing materials for various applications.
Computer Labs & Software
Ranging from open-access spaces for study and group collaboration to in-classroom labs for instruction as well as kiosks in several busy locations. Our computers boast a wide range of software applications for numerous academic uses and several printing options.
Are you looking to purchase a new personal PC or Mac computer, interested in mobile provider discounts, or otherwise looking for software discounts and recommendations? Visit TechConnect, our unified location for technology discounts.
ITS supports environmental sustainability initiatives as focused on printing and print consumables. Learn about strategic steps we've taken over the years, resources we use, and more.
Frequently Asked Questions
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Digital Media Services supports numerous avenues for on-campus printing. Select from the options below that best fits your printing needs.