
Equipment Loan

Digital Media Services manages the campus-wide Equipment Loan Program, providing students, faculty, and staff access to a variety of equipment. These resources support individual, academic projects, multimedia content creation, convenience, and skill development with the latest tools and technology, enriching the Loyola community.

Browse Equipment

Our loan program provides over 70 equipment kits types across 20 different categories, with a total of over 5,000 uniquely barcoded items available between our three campus locations. Browse our catalog to find the best fit for your project, presentation, and more!

Reserving Equipment

To borrow equipment, you must make advance reservations through our Patron Portal, where you can set your preferred pickup and return times and add items to your cart. You can return to this system to cancel, edit, or renew loans as well. For more details, explore our step-by-step guide.

Equipment Authorizations

We offer some advanced, professional-grade equipment that requires completing an authorization form. This process helps prevent issues like misconfiguration and awareness of value of the equipment if lost or damaged. Once submitted, you'll gain access to reserve and borrow within two business days.

Loan Program Policies

Our Loan Program Policies exist to ensure the program is a consistent and reliable experience for the Loyola community. Our policies cover access, circulation limits, reservations, borrowing, and returns, and more. These terms and conditions are agreed to by reserving and borrowing equipment, and can be easily reviewed at reservation kiosks, in the Patron Portal, and linked in all our system communications.

Our Service Locations & Hours


WTC Vocal Booth

Our Vocal Booth is a near-soundproof enclosure that can accommodate up to 2 individuals for ease of high-quality audio recordings for podcasting, interviews or narration. This resource is located within our Water Tower Campus Digital Media Lab and available for walk-in use and by reservation.

On-Campus Technology

Computer Labs & Software

Ranging from open-access spaces for study and group collaboration to in-classroom labs for instruction as well as kiosks in several busy locations. Our computers boast a wide range of software applications for numerous academic uses and several printing options.

Technology Discounts


Are you looking to purchase a new personal PC or Mac computer, interested in mobile provider discounts, or otherwise looking for software discounts and recommendations? Visit TechConnect, our unified location for technology discounts.

Inventory Management


Departments with needs for inventory circulation, asset management, or self-service resource or room reservations should look no further than WebCheckout. You can maintain your resources, set specific access and usage policies and leverage robust usage reporting, all with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions

Suggested & Related Pages
Last Modified:   Tue, January 28, 2025 4:33 PM CST

Digital Media Services manages the campus-wide Equipment Loan Program, providing students, faculty, and staff access to a variety of equipment. These resources support individual, academic projects, multimedia content creation, convenience, and skill development with the latest tools and technology, enriching the Loyola community.