

IRB Board Members

The members of the IRB are drawn from throughout the LUC community and beyond, bringing knowledge of various research topics and methods. Following federal regulations, our Board includes scientists, non-scientists, community members unaffiliated with Loyola, and prisoner advocates.

Loretta Stalans (Chair and Prisoner Advocate, Criminal Justice and Psychology)

David Ensminger (Vice-Chair, Psychology and Education)

Thea Strand (Vice-Chair, Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology)

Lynda Brodsky (Community Member)

Regina Conway-Phillips (Nursing and Minority Health)

Denise Davidson (Psychology)

Eilene Edejer (Research Methodology, Education)

Caleb Kim (Social Work)

James Larson (Community Member)

Norman Massel (Accounting, School of Business)

Nathan Perkins (Social Work)

Julia Pyrce (Social Work)

Heather Sevener (Graduate School Administration)

Elizabeth Webster (Prisoner Advocate, Criminal Justice)

Eunju Yoon (Counseling Psychology, Education)

The members of the IRB are drawn from throughout the LUC community and beyond, bringing knowledge of various research topics and methods. Following federal regulations, our Board includes scientists, non-scientists, community members unaffiliated with Loyola, and prisoner advocates.

Loretta Stalans (Chair and Prisoner Advocate, Criminal Justice and Psychology)

David Ensminger (Vice-Chair, Psychology and Education)

Thea Strand (Vice-Chair, Linguistic and Cultural Anthropology)

Lynda Brodsky (Community Member)

Regina Conway-Phillips (Nursing and Minority Health)

Denise Davidson (Psychology)

Eilene Edejer (Research Methodology, Education)

Caleb Kim (Social Work)

James Larson (Community Member)

Norman Massel (Accounting, School of Business)

Nathan Perkins (Social Work)

Julia Pyrce (Social Work)

Heather Sevener (Graduate School Administration)

Elizabeth Webster (Prisoner Advocate, Criminal Justice)

Eunju Yoon (Counseling Psychology, Education)