Interprofessional Education
What is Interprofessional Education and Practice?
The professional schools of Loyola University Chicago are committed to working together to promote interprofessional education and practice. The goal of interprofessional education is to prepare future clinicians and professionals to work together as a team to improve patient and population health. This includes engaging in foundational research on interprofessional education/collaborative practice (IPE/C); the use of interprofessional collaborative practice models to provide better care for patients; and ultimately transforming healthcare by championing interprofessional models that are patient centered and result in safe, high-quality, cost-effective care.
I-TIE Education Opportunities
- Poverty Simulation (>3,000 Students Trained)
- TeamSTEPPS® based simulations (>4,000 Students Trained)
- Infection Prevention Training
- Immigrant Health Multi-Campus Interprofessional Education Event
- Disability Health Awareness Panels
- I-TIE 100 Interprofessional Team Elective
- SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment)
- Nursing/Medical Student teams in Family Medicine
- Developing Affiliations with Chicago State University College of Health Sciences & Pharmacy and Roosevelt University College of Science, Health & Pharmacy
- Faculty Development
What is Interprofessional Education and Practice?
The professional schools of Loyola University Chicago are committed to working together to promote interprofessional education and practice. The goal of interprofessional education is to prepare future clinicians and professionals to work together as a team to improve patient and population health. This includes engaging in foundational research on interprofessional education/collaborative practice (IPE/C); the use of interprofessional collaborative practice models to provide better care for patients; and ultimately transforming healthcare by championing interprofessional models that are patient centered and result in safe, high-quality, cost-effective care.
I-TIE Education Opportunities
- Poverty Simulation (>3,000 Students Trained)
- TeamSTEPPS® based simulations (>4,000 Students Trained)
- Infection Prevention Training
- Immigrant Health Multi-Campus Interprofessional Education Event
- Disability Health Awareness Panels
- I-TIE 100 Interprofessional Team Elective
- SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, Referral to Treatment)
- Nursing/Medical Student teams in Family Medicine
- Developing Affiliations with Chicago State University College of Health Sciences & Pharmacy and Roosevelt University College of Science, Health & Pharmacy
- Faculty Development