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Your Responsibility As An Employee

Accident Prevention and Safety Procedures

Loyola's accident prevention and safety procedures are designed to protect employees, patients, faculty, students, and visitors. Each employee may help by:

  • Immediately reporting all accidents, injuries, and unsafe conditions to the supervisor.
  • Learning emergency phone numbers and the locations of fire alarms, fire extinguishers, defibrillators and other safety equipment.
  • Becoming familiar with and demonstrating safe and healthy practices specific to the job and campus.
  • Learning and following procedures for proper treatment and disposal of hazardous materials.


The personal appearance of Student Workers while on the job is important and reflects the University's image. Student Workers are expected to dress appropriately for their position and be clean and neat at all times.

Attendance and Punctuality

The responsibilities of the job require regular attendance and punctuality. If you will be absent or tardy, please contact your supervisor as early as possible so that staffing may be adjusted. Individual departments may have more specific requirements regarding notification for absence and tardiness by which you must abide. Please note: three consecutive days of absence without prior notification to the supervisor constitutes a voluntary resignation.

Changes In Personal Information

Employees must notify Human Resources to record changes in marital status, name, or other personal information.

Change of address or telephone number, direct deposit and federal tax withholding changes may be done by the employee through in the Employee Self-Service Portal (ESS). Please note that change of address in your Human Resources file deals only with your employment status. This does not flow to your Loyola school records. Change of address should also be recorded within LOCUS, the student information system.

  • Graduating student workers and current student workers who will no longer be working for the University should update their mailing address with Human Resources to prevent a delay with their last W-2 form. Address changes can be completed in the Employee Self-Service portal.  
  • To seek assistance with interpersonal problems Student Workers may contact the Wellness Center at: 773-508-2530.

Employees can view their current tax withholding elections using Employee Self-Service.  Employees can update their Federal tax withholding in Employee Self-Service.

Personal Business

Loyola has fully functioning workstations and offices in place to facilitate the work of the University. Phones, fax machines, copy machines, computers, and the software and Internet connections associated with computers, as well as all other University property should not be abused or used for personal business.

Loyola's mail system is not for personal mail.

Release Of Information

Loyola respects each employee's right to privacy and confidentiality. Consistent with this, the University does not release any employee's address, telephone number, or other confidential information to anyone outside the University without the written permission of the individual except where required by law.


Loyola encourages Student Workers to learn good work habits and work toward excellence and efficiency in job performance. Therefore, the University expects them to meet the following responsibilities. These guideline are not meant to be exhaustive but are merely general requirements of a safe and efficient work place.

A. Fulfill the responsibilities of the job as defined in work instructions given by the supervisor.

B. Carry out reasonable requests and instructions of the supervisor.

C. Observe all posted health, safety, fire prevention, and security rules.

D. Immediately report injuries or accidents.

E. Maintain professional conduct by treating every person with respect and courtesy. Refrain from use of profane and abusive language, loud and disruptive behavior, and any action which may demean any individual.

F. Be at work, ready to do your job at the scheduled time. Absence for personal business is allowed only by prior arrangement. Chronic absenteeism or tardiness may result in termination.

G. Immediately report all absences to the supervisor.

H. Carry Loyola identification with you and be prepared to display it when required.

Rules of Conduct

In an effort to provide a pleasant and equitable working environment for all employees, Loyola maintains rules for productive work and on the job behavior. The examples listed in this book do not replace sound judgment, professional courtesy, or common sense behavior. The following actions are clearly serious and any one of which may result in immediate termination from the job.

A. Possess, use, copy, or read University records without authorization or divulge confidential information concerning any employee, or student or confidential situations.

B. Falsify employment applications, forms, time cards, or other University records.

C. Remove or intentionally damage or misuse another person's or University records.

D. Commit or threaten to commit personal injury.

E. Insolence or insubordination directed at a supervisor.

F. Possess dangerous or deadly weapons or explosives on University grounds.

G. Possess or use intoxicants, narcotics, cannabis, or controlled substances during employment or on University grounds, on an unlawful or unauthorized basis.

H. Violate University Policy and Procedures on Racial or Sexual Harassment.

I. Sleep on duty.

J. Smoke in unauthorized or hazardous areas.

K. Intentionally damage, waste, or misuse University equipment or supplies.

L. Interfere with the performance of another employee.

M. Violate the University's solicitation policy.

N. Violate established departmental and University policies

O. Create, on any campus, a serious threat to the safety and health of employees, students, or visitors.

P. Commit fraud or bribery or be convicted of a felony.

Q. Excessive absence or tardiness.

Solicitation and Distribution

To minimize inconvenience to students, faculty, employees, and visitors, solicitation and distribution of literature or goods are restricted. No solicitation or distribution of any kind is allowed during working time in work areas. Working time includes the working time of both the employee doing the solicitation or distribution and the employee to whom it is directed, but does not include lunch, or other duty-free periods of time.

Solving Work Related Problems

Problems occurring in the work place make the work experience uncomfortable for everyone. Finding resolution for difficulties is important. If work related problems occur, a Student Worker should consult his/her supervisor to seek solutions. 

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