Loyola University Chicago

Department of History

Catalogue of Courses

This list is a "library" of descriptions for History courses, which are posted here regardless of when those courses are offered. Longer descriptions are often available directly from instructors who regularly teach a course, but in most cases those descriptions are not syllabi: they only indicate in general terms what the teachers typically do when they teach the course.

For specific course information, please contact David Hays (dhays1@luc.edu) who will put you in touch with the instructor that teaches that course.

To view a short course description, click on a course-level below, then click the number of the specific course that interests you.

Note: Beginning in Fall 2017, HIST 103 (American Pluralism) and HIST 104 (Global History since 1500) will cover Tier 1 of the University Core. Prior to Fall 2017, these courses were numbered HIST 203 and HIST 204 and were part of Tier 2 offerings.

Note: Beginning in Fall 2017, American Pluralism (now HIST 103, was HIST 203) and Global History since 1500 (now HIST 104, was HIST 204) will be part of Tier 1 of the Core Curriculum. For students who took HIST 203 or HIST 204 prior to Fall 2017, these classes count as part of Tier 2 Core Curriculum.

* We regularly offer special topics-based versions of HIST 212:

  • HIST 212-040 The United States Since 1865: War and Diplomacy
  • HIST 212-050: The United States Since 1865: Medicine, Disease, and Health
  • HIST 212-060: The United States Since 1865: American Business