A young woman working on a computer in a Loyola University Chicago classroom


Research is a central part of graduate education. As part of its commitment to graduate level research, the Graduate School supports a variety of initiatives that fund research and support its presentation. Please note that research funding and travel awards detailed here are only available to students whose programs are housed on the Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses. Students enrolled in graduate programs at the Health Sciences campus should consult with the Graduate School at the Health Sciences Division or the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing for research-related funding programs.

Students should update GSPS with all external awards, conference presentations, and honors received.

3 Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition

This competition began at the University of Queensland in Australia in 2008 as a way to "cultivate students' academic, presentation, and research communication skills... (by) explaining their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience." Universities across the world now participate in this unique event. Any graduate student conducting research for a thesis or dissertation can compete. The Graduate School hosts Loyola's competition each February and the winner is invited to compete in the annual regional Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools 3MT event later in the Spring. Global 3MT competition films can be seen here.

Conference Travel Awards

The Graduate School encourages students to present their work at conferences throughout the United States and abroad. Students may apply for up to $750 (per academic year – with academic year ending on the final day of last summer term) in travel costs associated with presenting at a conference. Please note that travel awards are only available to current students whose programs are housed on the Lakeshore Campus and Water Tower Campus. Students enrolled in graduate programs at the Health Sciences campus should consult with the Graduate School at the Health Sciences Division or the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing for travel-related funding programs. Students whose conferences fall after their thesis/dissertation defense date (for programs with a thesis/dissertation requirement) or after their final course (for those programs without a thesis/dissertation) are not eligible to apply for travel funding.

Applying for Travel Awards

To be considered for funding, you must apply online BEFORE the conference takes place. To apply, log into GSPS, navigate to Award Forms > Internal Awards section, and click the "Add" button to begin.

You will be required to upload proof of acceptance to a conference (i.e. an email or letter of acceptance from the conference sponsor) and a preliminary budget in one single PDF. The Graduate School will reimburse travel and lodging costs, conference registration fees, poster printing costs, and food (adhering to the university's current per diem rates for food, and excluding alcohol).

You will receive confirmation to your LUC.edu email account to let you know if your application has been approved or rejected.

Receiving Reimbursement

In order to receive your reimbursement you must submit the following to The Graduate School at gradschool@luc.edu within three weeks of completing travel. 

A single PDF file which includes:

Incomplete or incorrect claims will cause a delay in reimbursement, so please make sure that you have filled out the forms completely, and that all necessary materials are included. Please note: according to Accounts Payable policy, expense reimbursements submitted more than 90 days following the date of the expense or the last date of travel will be considered taxable income.

Application Schedule

Applications for conference travel awards will be accepted on the following schedule:

Conference Date

Application Submission

June 15 to September 30

May 15 through 19

September 15 to December 31

August 17 through September 2

December 15 to March 31

November 15 through 19

March 15 to June 30

February 17 through 24

After April 15 and until June 1, students who did not receive conference funding during the appropriate application period, which includes all conferences during the current academic year, may resubmit their application.

Only $750 in travel funding per student can be granted per academic year. However, if you are awarded a partial award to cover conference registration fees, you may apply for a second award for a different conference during a later round of travel awards. Funds are limited and will be awarded based on a distribution of students in different programs, so while we do encourage you to apply earlier in the application period if you can, the applications will remain open for the full period, and simply applying on the first day of the application period will not guarantee funding.

Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Symposium

The Graduate School and the Graduate Student Advisory Council host the Annual Graduate School Interdisciplinary Research Symposium on the Lake Shore Campus organized around the diverse research methods exhibited in scholarly work. The symposium is an excellent forum for Loyola graduate students to present their scholarly work. Any current graduate student within The Graduate School is eligible to submit a presentation. Monetary awards will be given based on research category and student’s program status.


The call for abstracts usually appears in January of each year and is featured in the Graduate School newsletter. The call for proposals for next year's conference will be posted in December.


If you have any questions, please email the Research Symposium Committee.

Office of Research Services

Office of Research Services: The Office of Research Services (ORS) assists faculty and students at the Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses with externally funded research, training and public service projects.

Institutional Review Board (IRB): All use of human subjects including the use of any surveys, questionnaires, and interviews even with data previously obtained from human subjects must receive approval from the IRB.

Also view the Introduction to the IRB PowerPoint for more information.

Research Funding Requests

Graduate School students who are approved in advance for a Research Funding Request may receive reimbursement of up to $500 for expenses related to the research and preparation of a dissertation, thesis, or major research paper if applicable. The Graduate School will only grant one research funding award per student, and reimbursement for the funds must be claimed within the same academic year. To apply, please submit a Research Funding Request Form.  
Once the approved activities are completed, fill out an Expense Reimbursement Form and submit it to the Graduate School along with your original receipts. If your award included gift cards or incentives of some kind, please be aware that IRS rules require that you complete a disbursement log tracking what was distributed. Do not forget that the Graduate School cannot reimburse gift cards purchased with personal or departmental funds. You MUST submit a request for the Graduate School to purchase the gift cards for you. If subjects must remain anonymous, please indicate that on your reimbursement request and list the subject’s study number on your disbursement log.

Note: Research Funding is only available to students in historically underfunded disciplines and whose programs are housed on the Lakeside Campuses. Students interested in submitting a request to purchase a laboratory supply and/or material relevant to the student’s research should reach out to the Associate Dean of the Graduate School.

Research Experience for Master's Programs

Research is a central part of graduate education. As part of its commitment to graduate level research, the Graduate School will provide support for mentored research at the master’s degree level. Fellowships will be awarded on a competitive basis to outstanding students who have a demonstrated record of academic excellence and an interest in a mentored research opportunity but are in a degree program without the option of a thesis component.

Research Mentoring Program

The Research Mentoring Program (RMP) is designed to partner graduate students who are working on their dissertation research with undergraduates who are interested in participating in research. The graduate student application deadline for this competitive summer fellowship is early December. Once the approved activities are finished, please submit original receipts and a completed reimbursement form to the Awards Coordinator in the Graduate School to receive reimbursement for expenditures.

This summer research program provides an opportunity for undergraduates to learn more about graduate studies and graduate-level research while supporting the mentorship training and research of a doctoral student. PhD mentors will be matched with an undergraduate research assistant to support their dissertation research, as well as receive a $2,000 summer stipend and a budget of up to $500 for research costs. Undergraduates will also receive a $1,500 stipend for serving as a research assistant.

Components of the program include:

  • One-to-one mentoring of an undergraduate student for 6-8 weeks during the upcoming summer.
  • Check-in meetings about progress and a final presentation meeting where you and your undergraduate assistant share your research accomplishments with the group.
  • Joint poster or oral presentation at the Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium and/or Graduate Research Symposium in the spring following completion of your project.

Research Mentoring Program Application

Research Mentoring Project Abstracts

Testimony from a Previous Research Mentor

"As a PhD student in the English department, I found the summer research fellowship to be a valuable opportunity to practice mentorship with an aspiring scholar. My mentee helped me make significant progress in my research organization by identifying and collecting resources in places I wasn't looking. More importantly, her willingness to ask questions and challenge my ideas provided a new and productive voice from outside my immediate critical circles." – a 2020 research mentor

If you have any questions or problems, please contact Heather Sevener, Associate Dean of Student Academic Services. 

Responsible Conduct In Research and Scholarship (RCRS)

In support of the University Mission and in accordance with federal regulations effective January 2010, Loyola University Chicago has implemented a Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarship program that incorporates ethics education into the curriculum for all students.

Beginning fall 2011, the Graduate School requires RCRS training for all matriculating PhD students and master’s students who are writing a thesis. Graduate Program Directors in non-thesis master’s programs may recommend RCRS training for their students.

All PhD students and Master’s students* who are writing a thesis must successfully complete the Responsible Conduct in Research and Scholarship training as part of the degree requirements. It is strongly recommended that students complete this two-day training before beginning the dissertation/thesis stage of the program.

*Students in the School of Education and Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing receive separate RCRS training.

Other Resources

External Funding Sources: A list of common external funding opportunities for Graduate students.

COS Pivot from ProQuest: Pivot is the most comprehensive, premier funding search engine.

Research is a central part of graduate education. As part of its commitment to graduate level research, the Graduate School supports a variety of initiatives that fund research and support its presentation. Please note that research funding and travel awards detailed here are only available to students whose programs are housed on the Lake Shore and Water Tower campuses. Students enrolled in graduate programs at the Health Sciences campus should consult with the Graduate School at the Health Sciences Division or the Marcella Niehoff School of Nursing for research-related funding programs.

Students should update GSPS with all external awards, conference presentations, and honors received.

Other Resources

External Funding Sources: A list of common external funding opportunities for Graduate students.

COS Pivot from ProQuest: Pivot is the most comprehensive, premier funding search engine.