About Global Initiatives
The Office of Global Initiatives works at the direction of the Associate Provost for Global and Community Engagement, supporting the Office of the Provost in the development of global projects, strategic initiatives and international partnerships.
Additionally, the Office of Global Initiatives collaborates with academic units to facilitate the development of new programs, to foster new research opportunities, and to promote global engagement across the university. As part of the university’s global engagement efforts, the Office of Global Initiatives regularly organizes events on behalf of the Office of Global and Community Engagement, upholding Loyola’s commitment to global awareness. Fundamentally, the Office of Global Initiatives serves as the primary connection point for the university to Loyola’s global networks, highlighting our unique position as a member institution of International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) in the development of global learning opportunities intended to promote intercultural competency, global empathy, and anti-racism in the pursuit of a more just world.
Whether you are part of the university community or based elsewhere, please feel free to reach out to our office to discuss potential initiatives or engagement opportunities. Please email GlobalInitiatives@luc.edu.
Our Staff

Fraser S. Turner, MPP, M.Ed.
Senior Director, Global Initiatives

Mary Usher, M.Ed.
Director, Global Initiatives and Institutional Relations