
Spring 2018

Award Recipients

Faculty Awardee


Award Name

Elizabeth Lozano School of Communication Peter Hans Kolvenbach Award for Engaged Teaching
Minerva Ahumada Arrupe College Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring
David Doherty Political Science Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring
Rebecca Silton Psychology Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Miguel Ballicora Chemistry and Biochemistry Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Elizabeth Lozano

Associate Professor, School of Communications

Peter Hans Kolvenbach Award for Engaged Teaching

Dr. Lozano is an associate professor in the School of Communication. She was nominated by several of her students for this recognition. In the nomination form, one student commented about Dr. Lozano’s passion for the engaged learning class. The student stated that Dr. Lozano “goes beyond the requirement and encourages us to build strong connections and relationships as well as create meaningful learning objectives.”  Another student noted that Lozano learns along with her students and encourages meaningful reflection on their experiences.

In Dr. Lozano’s teaching statement, she stresses that the praxis in all her classes, no matter the topic, invites student pragmatic engagement with the world. She states, “I take a critical and cultural approach to the study and teaching of communication, which means that . . . I invite students to ponder issues of power, representation, inclusion, solidarity, and resistance.” It is through reflection on this invitation that students find a level of personal growth and understanding: mind, body and spirit.


Minerva Ahumada

Lecturer, Arrupe College

Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring

Dr. Minerva Ahumada won’t leave her Arrupe College students alone—and they appreciate her diligence. Whether it is ensuring that a student with personal problems is getting to class on time or writing letters of recommendation for scholarships for continuing studies, Dr. Ahumada takes the time to get it done. One of her nominators explains that Dr. Ahumada cultivates relationships with students, as evidenced in her willingness to engage students outside of class and her desire to know them as individuals. The nominator characterizes her skills in working with students as exemplary.  Another nominator explained that when Dr. Minerva sees a need she takes action, which might include anything from arranging housing for a student to meeting with students and their employers to work out a schedule that allows for academic success.

Understanding the emotional, academic and financial needs of students, she makes certain students receive the personal attention they need to succeed. But perhaps one of the most important things Dr. Ahumada does is to empower students to be their own voice in this world, standing up for their rights and demanding respect. And sometimes this is the hardest part of the job: supporting students as they take on the responsibilities for their own care and learning.


David Doherty

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring

Dr. David Doherty views his role as Political Science professor as one of guiding students to the understanding that they must make a personal commitment to make the world a better place. He does this in a number of ways—both in and outside the classroom. In addition to helping students understand and apply quantitative data analysis using contemporary statistical tools, he challenges students to do serious scholarly research. As one of his nominators stated, “his mentorship provides students with the tools to systematically and professionally explore their areas of interest.” Another student nominator credits him with a level of self-confidence that enabled her to extend her research into more professional avenues and assume a place in the scholarly field.

Doherty sees his strength as being a resource to students as they methodically work through questions and problems: “The thread that runs through the mentoring efforts is my commitment to doing all I can to provide students with the skills and perspectives they need to translate their zeal to change the world into effective action.”


Rebecca Silton

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Dr. Silton is a faculty member in Psychology who has mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students, many of whom received external grants and awards.
“In an average week, my mentor and I spend approximately 3 – 6 hours together. If I have specific questions of need help with my project, however, my mentor and I spend a lot more time together. My mentor has enhanced my undergraduate research experience by giving me the opportunity to be in a formal lab setting, which has helped me to learn so much about how a lab functions. Additionally, my mentor has taught me many novel lab techniques that I would not have learning in a class setting as they are hands-on experiences . . . Dr. Silton’s patient and kind demeanor has allowed me to learn so much in research, while providing me with a safe space to also ask questions so that I can excel in the lab.”

Miguel Ballicora

Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Dr. Ballicora is a faculty member in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He has mentored over 50 undergraduate students since 2005, and many graduate students.
“I was able to talk to Dr. Ballicora at least 3 – 4 hours a week. Dr. Ballicora leaves his office doors open and is always available for his research students. . . . I have been Dr. Ballicora’s student for three years. Dr. Ballicora has enhanced my ability to apply techniques I learn in the classroom to the lab. In addition, he fosters critical thinking skills and laboratory independence by asking questions and assigning us individual projects. I feel successful as a Loyola Undergraduate in Biochemistry because of Dr. Ballicora’s mentorship towards hands-on learning and thinking like a scientist. This has made my experience at Loyola all the more meaningful because of the individual and catered approach that Dr. Ballicora takes to give his students the opportunities to acquire the skills they wish to master.”

Award Recipients

Faculty Awardee


Award Name

Elizabeth Lozano School of Communication Peter Hans Kolvenbach Award for Engaged Teaching
Minerva Ahumada Arrupe College Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring
David Doherty Political Science Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring
Rebecca Silton Psychology Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring
Miguel Ballicora Chemistry and Biochemistry Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Elizabeth Lozano

Associate Professor, School of Communications

Peter Hans Kolvenbach Award for Engaged Teaching

Dr. Lozano is an associate professor in the School of Communication. She was nominated by several of her students for this recognition. In the nomination form, one student commented about Dr. Lozano’s passion for the engaged learning class. The student stated that Dr. Lozano “goes beyond the requirement and encourages us to build strong connections and relationships as well as create meaningful learning objectives.”  Another student noted that Lozano learns along with her students and encourages meaningful reflection on their experiences.

In Dr. Lozano’s teaching statement, she stresses that the praxis in all her classes, no matter the topic, invites student pragmatic engagement with the world. She states, “I take a critical and cultural approach to the study and teaching of communication, which means that . . . I invite students to ponder issues of power, representation, inclusion, solidarity, and resistance.” It is through reflection on this invitation that students find a level of personal growth and understanding: mind, body and spirit.


Minerva Ahumada

Lecturer, Arrupe College

Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring

Dr. Minerva Ahumada won’t leave her Arrupe College students alone—and they appreciate her diligence. Whether it is ensuring that a student with personal problems is getting to class on time or writing letters of recommendation for scholarships for continuing studies, Dr. Ahumada takes the time to get it done. One of her nominators explains that Dr. Ahumada cultivates relationships with students, as evidenced in her willingness to engage students outside of class and her desire to know them as individuals. The nominator characterizes her skills in working with students as exemplary.  Another nominator explained that when Dr. Minerva sees a need she takes action, which might include anything from arranging housing for a student to meeting with students and their employers to work out a schedule that allows for academic success.

Understanding the emotional, academic and financial needs of students, she makes certain students receive the personal attention they need to succeed. But perhaps one of the most important things Dr. Ahumada does is to empower students to be their own voice in this world, standing up for their rights and demanding respect. And sometimes this is the hardest part of the job: supporting students as they take on the responsibilities for their own care and learning.


David Doherty

Associate Professor, Department of Political Science

Alice B. Hayes Award for Advising & Mentoring

Dr. David Doherty views his role as Political Science professor as one of guiding students to the understanding that they must make a personal commitment to make the world a better place. He does this in a number of ways—both in and outside the classroom. In addition to helping students understand and apply quantitative data analysis using contemporary statistical tools, he challenges students to do serious scholarly research. As one of his nominators stated, “his mentorship provides students with the tools to systematically and professionally explore their areas of interest.” Another student nominator credits him with a level of self-confidence that enabled her to extend her research into more professional avenues and assume a place in the scholarly field.

Doherty sees his strength as being a resource to students as they methodically work through questions and problems: “The thread that runs through the mentoring efforts is my commitment to doing all I can to provide students with the skills and perspectives they need to translate their zeal to change the world into effective action.”


Rebecca Silton

Assistant Professor, Psychology

Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Dr. Silton is a faculty member in Psychology who has mentored numerous undergraduate and graduate students, many of whom received external grants and awards.
“In an average week, my mentor and I spend approximately 3 – 6 hours together. If I have specific questions of need help with my project, however, my mentor and I spend a lot more time together. My mentor has enhanced my undergraduate research experience by giving me the opportunity to be in a formal lab setting, which has helped me to learn so much about how a lab functions. Additionally, my mentor has taught me many novel lab techniques that I would not have learning in a class setting as they are hands-on experiences . . . Dr. Silton’s patient and kind demeanor has allowed me to learn so much in research, while providing me with a safe space to also ask questions so that I can excel in the lab.”

Miguel Ballicora

Associate Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Langerbeck Award for Undergraduate Research Mentoring

Dr. Ballicora is a faculty member in the department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. He has mentored over 50 undergraduate students since 2005, and many graduate students.
“I was able to talk to Dr. Ballicora at least 3 – 4 hours a week. Dr. Ballicora leaves his office doors open and is always available for his research students. . . . I have been Dr. Ballicora’s student for three years. Dr. Ballicora has enhanced my ability to apply techniques I learn in the classroom to the lab. In addition, he fosters critical thinking skills and laboratory independence by asking questions and assigning us individual projects. I feel successful as a Loyola Undergraduate in Biochemistry because of Dr. Ballicora’s mentorship towards hands-on learning and thinking like a scientist. This has made my experience at Loyola all the more meaningful because of the individual and catered approach that Dr. Ballicora takes to give his students the opportunities to acquire the skills they wish to master.”