Comprehensive Policy
The Comprehensive Policy
In maintaining the Comprehensive Policy and Procedures for Addressing Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation (the “Comprehensive Policy”), the University meets or exceeds the requirements of federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations to ensure a nondiscriminatory environment and provide for a prompt, fair, and equitable resolution process for reports and complaints of discriminatory and sexual misconduct.
The full and official Comprehensive Policy is available here: Comprehensive Policy (PDF)
Prohibited Conduct
The following behaviors conflict with the University’s values and expectations for members of the University community and are therefore prohibited at Loyola. The following policies may be applied to single incidents as well as patterns and/or climate, all of which may be investigated and addressed in accordance with the Comprehensive Policy.
The descriptions of prohibited conduct below are provided in brief and for informational purposes only. Always refer to the full Comprehensive Policy (PDF) for the most complete and accurate information.
The Comprehensive Policy
In maintaining the Comprehensive Policy and Procedures for Addressing Discrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Retaliation (the “Comprehensive Policy”), the University meets or exceeds the requirements of federal, state, and local civil rights laws and regulations to ensure a nondiscriminatory environment and provide for a prompt, fair, and equitable resolution process for reports and complaints of discriminatory and sexual misconduct.
The full and official Comprehensive Policy is available here: Comprehensive Policy (PDF)
Prohibited Conduct
The following behaviors conflict with the University’s values and expectations for members of the University community and are therefore prohibited at Loyola. The following policies may be applied to single incidents as well as patterns and/or climate, all of which may be investigated and addressed in accordance with the Comprehensive Policy.
The descriptions of prohibited conduct below are provided in brief and for informational purposes only. Always refer to the full Comprehensive Policy (PDF) for the most complete and accurate information.
Discrimination is defined as the adverse or preferential treatment of another wholly or partially because of a person’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class. Discrimination may also include non-discriminatory policies, rules, or practices that have a disproportionate negative impact on members of a protected class.
When brought to the attention of the University, discrimination will be appropriately addressed and remedied, whether through disciplinary action, other responsive interventions, or both. Sanctions for discrimination and discriminatory misconduct may range from warning through expulsion (for students) or termination of employment (for faculty and staff employees).
A number of different behaviors are also prohibited as forms of discrimination when the misconduct or its resulting harm is based on or related to a person’s actual or perceived membership in a protected class.
See Discrimination Policy for more information.
Sexual Misconduct
Consistent with Loyola’s mission and identity, the University maintains the highest standards for respectful sexual interactions between consenting individuals. Acts of sexual misconduct may be committed by any person upon any other person, regardless of the sex, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity or expression of those involved.
When allegations of sexual misconduct meet the definitional and jurisdictional requirements of Title IX sexual harassment, the requirements for Grievance Process complaints and the Grievance Process will apply.
See Sexual Misconduct Policy for more information.
Retaliation Based on a Protected Activity
Retaliation is defined as any adverse action taken against a person (including peer-to-peer retaliation among students or among faculty or staff employees) because of their participation in a protected activity.
“Adverse action” includes but is not limited to: any action that would keep an individual from reporting discrimination, harassment or retaliation; shunning and avoiding an individual who reports discrimination, harassment, or retaliation; express or implied threats or intimidation intended to coerce or prevent an individual from reporting discrimination, harassment, or retaliation; and denying employment benefits because a faculty or staff employee reported discrimination, harassment, or retaliation or participated in the reporting and investigation process described in the Comprehensive Policy.
“Protected activity” includes submitting a report or filing a complaint under the Comprehensive Policy under one’s own or another’s behalf; participating in or providing information related to an internal or agency investigation of alleged discrimination, sexual misconduct, or retaliation; exercising one’s right to an accommodation for disability, pregnancy or related conditions, or religious observance; opposing a practice believed reasonably and in good faith to be discriminatory or harassing; or otherwise exercising one’s rights under the Comprehensive Policy. Protected activity does not include intentionally making a materially false statement in bad faith.
See Retaliation Policy for more information.
Other Related Offenses
Certain other related offenses are also prohibited under the Comprehensive Policy, including unauthorized disclosures related to OEC case materials and failure to comply or interfering with OEC processes. Click the link below for additional information.
See Other Related Offenses for more information.