President Mark Reed speaks to inductees of the Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society.

Student Organizations, Awards and Honors

Student Organizations, Awards, and Honors

Joining with fellow students brings a powerful sense of community to your learning experience. You'll find common cause with your peers within our student organizations. In addition, the School of Education sponsors events focused on issues relevant to you through regular programming on student and faculty research, community building, and invited lecturers.

School-Wide Organizations

Program Level Organizations

University-Wide Awards & Honors

School of Education Awards & Honors

A student stands with their award.
A student showcases the medallion they earned for their accomplishments.
The Future Teacher Club meets with new students at an annual Org Fair.
A crystal statue commemorates the success of School of Education students.
Students learn about student organizations at the Org Fair.
Student organizations allow for new friendships and support systems.
A School of Education student is inducted into the Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society.
A student proudly accepts their award.