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Bohanon, Hank


  • 312.915.5099
  • Lewis Towers 1052, WTC
  • http://www.hankbohanon.net/
  • Hank Bohanon CV 7.15.24" target="_blank">Curriculum Vitae
  • Education
    • PhD, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS

    Hank is a professor at Loyola University of Chicago. His work focuses on supports for high school settings related to positive behavior support, response to intervention, social and emotional learning, school-based mental health, and school improvement. He is the co-author of Implementing Systematic Interventions: A Guide for Secondary Schools, published this summer by Routledge Press.

    Specialty Area

    Special Education; Positive Behavior Support

    Program Areas

    • Teaching, Learning, and Leading in Communities and Schools

    Courses Taught

    • CIEP 478: Behavior Intervention
    • TLSC 221: Individualizing Instruction for Diverse Students
    • TLSC 260: Typical and Atypical Development
    • TLSC 261: Significant Disabilities & Life Planning
    • TSLC 262: Assistive and Adaptive Technology
    • TLSC 263: Transition Planning

    Research Interests

    • Multi-tiered Systems of Support
    • Secondary Schools
    • Positive Behavior Support
    • School Improvement
    • Online Learning
    • Professional Development

    Professional & Community Affiliations

    • Association of Positive Behavior Support
    • Special Needs Network for Educators


    • Loyola University Chicago, School of Education Distinguished Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching (2018)


    • Bohanon, H. (Accepted). Supporting students in higher education and kindergarten through 12th grade settings through the COVID-19 pandemic. Annual Journal of Special Education.
    • Mortenson, J. & Bohanon (2019). Beyond completing: Using Blue Ocean Shift to create new markets for online instruction for multi-tiered systems of support. International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 12 (2), 4-20. https://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/143/
    • Bohanon, H. & Wu. M. (2019). A comparison of sampling approaches for monitoring schoolwide inclusion program fidelity. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 65 (2), 33-43. https://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/131/
    • Goodman, S. & Bohanon, H. (2018). Multi-tiered system of supports: A framework for supporting all students. American School Board Journal Online. Retrieved from at https://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/116/
    • Bohanon, H., Wahnschaff, A., Flaherty, P. & Ferguson, K. (2018). Leading schools under pressure: Considerations of systems theory and schoolwide positive behavior support efforts during school actions. School Community Journal, 28, 1: 195-216. https://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/115/
    • Malloy, J. M., Bohanon, H., & Francoeur, K. (2018). Positive behavioral interventions and supports in high schools: A case study from New Hampshire. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 1-29. doi:10.1080/10474412.2017.1385398
    • Bohanon, H., Gilman, C., Parker, B., Amell, C., & Sortino, G. (2016). Using school improvement and implementation science to integrate multi-tiered systems of support in secondary schools. Australasian Journal of Special Education, 40(2), 99-116. doi:10.1017/jse.2016.8
    • Hall, N., Bohanon, H., & Goodman, S. (2016). Behavioral support: Research-based program reduces discipline problems. American School Board Journal Online. Retrieved from https://www.nsba.org/newsroom/american-school-board-journal/behavioral-support and http://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/71/
    • Bohanon, H. (2015). Changes in adult behavior to decrease disruption from students in non-classroom settings. Intervention in School and Clinic. 15 (1),12-18. http://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/39
    • Bohanon, H., Castillo, J., & Afton, M. (2015). Embedding self-determination and futures planning within a schoolwide framework. Intervention in School and Clinic. 50 (4), 203-209. http://ecommons.luc.edu/education_facpubs/16/