Dr. Hui Xu awarded grant from American Psychological Foundation

The School of Education is excited to celebrate the continued work of Dr. Hui Xu, assistant professor of counseling psychology at Loyola University Chicago. Xu was a recipient of the American Psychological Foundation's Bruce and Jane Walsh Grant in Memory of John Holland. The title of his project is The Longitudinal Prediction of Career Decision Ambiguity Tolerance on Major Satisfaction and Job Search Self-Efficacy. Xu's research interests include career development and psychotherapy science and his published work has focused on models of career decision-making, the role of ambiguity management in career decision-making, and assessment in counseling. He deeply believes that science and practice should inform each other. His work on career decision-making and counseling has been published in journals such as Journal of Counseling Psychology and Journal of Vocational Behavior.
For more information on this important work, please contact Dr. Xu (email: hxu2@luc.edu).