Revising Illinois' Social Science Standards

Meeting the needs of all our students
The Illinois State Board of Education is in the process of revising its social science standards to support more culturally responsive learning experience for our students. What are the changes, why were they made, and how will they change social studies class? Hear from six members of the revision task force as they discuss these questions and explain why it is important for Illinois to be a leader in teaching inclusive and empowering social studies.
We want to thank our panelists and attendees for a truly wonderful event.
Welcome by: Dean Markeda Newell, Ph.D., School of Education, Loyola University Chicago
Facilitated by: Dr. Charles Tocci, Ed.D., Assistant Professor, School of Education, Loyola University Chicago
- Raven Nicole Althimer, social science teacher, Englewood STEM, Chicago Public Schools
- Seth Brady, teacher, Naperville Central High School
- Dorlande Charles, teacher, Powell Academy, Chicago Public Schools
- Rachel Juarez, teacher, Yorkville High School
- Sarah Said, Director of Language and Equity Programs, Elgin Math & Science Academy
- Monica Swope, Principle Educational Consultant, Learning Dimensions
- Eric Veal, student, Willowbrook High School