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History, Mission and Values

MOC Initiatives are spaces and programs that center students that identify as Mxn* of Color. These spaces are centered around our principles of discover, connect, and transform.


In the fall of 2011, CDI was charged with developing a program to address the issue of low retention of Men of Color (MoC) at Loyola University Chicago. During that semester, CDI investigated best practices and programs at other universities and within available literature. This research led to the drafting of an outline for the Men of Color Initiative (MOCI) as a 2-4 year experience that began spring 2012. Over the years, MOC Initiatives has evolved to include mentorship and programming that addresses the matriculation, identity development, and community building of Mxn* of Color through support, success, and empowerment.

*The MOC Initiatives community uses the term Mxn of Color to be inclusive of all those that identify along the vast spectrum of manhood. (i.e., cisgender and transgender men, gender non-conforming individuals, masculine/feminine of leaning/centered individual)

Program Mission

MOC Initiatives are spaces and programs that center the experiences and support of students that identify as Mxn* of Color. These spaces are centered around our principles of Discover, Connect, and Transform and open to all Ramblers.

MOC Initiatives Principles

Through the following principles, we hope all participants have the opportunity to:

  • Explore academic and personal resources, as well as student organizations, that will provide avenues for success, awareness, and comfort within their surroundings at the University.
  • Develop self-awareness about intersecting identities and discover passions and interests that relate to social and academic goals.

Identify opportunities to engage with others on campus to create meaningful relationships with students, student groups, mentors, staff, and faculty members to thrive within a supportive community.


The Mxn of Color will expand and develop knowledge and understanding of diverse and global views, to encourage critical analysis and reflection of the environments and issues that surround them.

If you have any questions, please email cnoriegasagastume@luc.edu