
CDEP Symposium: March 14th, 2025

On March 14, 2025, please join us in downtown Chicago for our 14th Annual International Symposium on Digital Ethics.

The theme for this year is Accessible Intelligence: designing for a more ethical present. All around the world, there are now countless gatherings discussing the importance of what a future involving AI entails.  A more urgent conversation is incumbent upon us to have, and that is how we can bring about solutions to address the real challenges brought about by lack of access (such as digital divides) to communities, information, and infrastructure. How are we as a society designing ways to deal with gaps in this AI future, meeting shortfalls in labor, skills, and literacies? What does it mean to take action in the context of resistance and refusal as they intersect with technology, culture, ethics, policy, law, health, and more? 

This symposium, to be held in downtown Chicago at Loyola University Chicago’s Water Tower Campus, seeks to convene those who wish to take an active role in answering these questions in our current moment. We welcome participants from academia, industry, and government to join in this crucial conversation across fields of expertise, theory, and practice. 

Registration opens January 6th. 

If you would like to be featured as a sponsor in the symposium program, please contact Dr. Florence M. Chee, Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Digital Ethics and Policy fchee@luc.edu

Accessible AI Symposium