Loyola University > Center for Digital Ethics & Policy > Events > Symposia Archive > 2023
CDEP 12th Annual Symposium: Inflection Points
CDEP 2023 Program
Day 1: April 13th, 2023 - Water Tower Campus, Schreiber Center 1001 (9am-5pm CDT)
9am: Welcome and Opening Remarks
Provost Margaret Callahan, Dean Elizabeth Coffman, Director Florence Chee
9:15am Session: Inflection Points In Ethical Design
Gabriela Richard, Education, Pennsylvania State University
Marcos Moldes, Senior UX Researcher, Core Product, Pinterest
10:30am Break
10:45am Session: Copyright and AI
Meera Nair, Copyright Officer, Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Margaret Heller, Digital Services Librarian, Loyola University Chicago
LUNCH 12pm: Business and Networking
1pm Session: Unpublishing the News
Deborah Dwyer, University of North Carolina
2:15pm Break
2:30pm Session: Cybersecurity, Laws and Norms
Nick Bilogorskiy, Security Intelligence, Google
Charlotte Tscheider, School of Law, Loyola University Chicago
3:45pm Philosopher's Cafe: Policy Brainstorm and Mixer to Follow
Day 2: April 14th, 2023 - Water Tower Campus, Beane Hall (9am-4pm CDT)
9am: Welcome to Day 2, CDEP Director Florence Chee
9:15am Session: Responsible AI and Scientific Integrity
Lama Nachman, Intelligent Systems Research, Intel
Daniel Henriques Moreira, Computer Science, Loyola University Chicago
10:30am Break
10:45am Session: Technology, Democracy and the Future
Vili Lehdonvirta, Oxford Internet Institute
Jennifer Forestal, Political Science, Loyola University Chicago
12:15pm LUNCH
1:30pm Sister Jean Fireside Chat with Florence Chee
2:30pm Break
2:45pm Philosopher's Cafe: Digital Futures and Closing Remarks, Displays
Official Close at 4pm