Loyola University > Center for Digital Ethics & Policy > Events > Symposia Archive > 2021
Ethics in the Age of Smart Systems
Veena Dubal on The New Racial Wage Code
Professor Veena Dubal’s research focuses on the intersection of law, technology, and precarious work. Within this broad frame, she uses empirical methodologies and critical theory to understand (1) the impact of digital technologies and emerging legal frameworks on the lives of workers, (2) the co-constitutive influences of law and work on identity, and (3) the role of law and lawyers in solidarity movements.
Professor Dubal has been cited by the California Supreme Court, and her scholarship has been published in top-tier law review and peer-reviewed journals, including the California Law Review, Wisconsin Law Review, Berkeley Journal of Empirical and Labor Law, and Perspectives on Politics. Based on over a decade of ethnographic and historical study, Professor Dubal is currently writing a manuscript (Driving Freedom, Navigating Neoliberalism) on how five decades of shifting technologies and emergent regulatory regimes changed the everyday lives and work experiences of ride-hail drivers in San Francisco.
Virginia Dignum on Responsible AI
Virginia Dignum is Professor of Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Umeå University, Sweden and associated with the TU Delft in the Netherlands. She is the director of WASP-HS, the Wallenberg Program on Humanities and Society for AI, Autonomous Systems and Software, the largest Swedish national research program on fundamental multidisciplinary research on the societal and human impact of AI. She is a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, and a Fellow of the European Artificial Intelligence Association (EURAI). Her current research focus is on the specification, verification and monitoring of ethical and societal principles for intelligent autonomous systems. She is committed to policy and awareness efforts towards the responsible development and use of AI, as member of the European Commission High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence, the working group on Responsible AI of the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI), the World Economic Forum’s Global Artificial Intelligence Council, lead for UNICEF's guidance for AI and children, the Executive Committee of the IEEE Initiative on Ethically Aligned Design, and as founding member of ALLAI, the Dutch AI Alliance. Her book “Responsible Artificial Intelligence: developing and using AI in a responsible way” was published by Springer-Nature in 2019.
Rafael Capurro on Smart Living in the Digital Age
I have a Licentiate (University of El Salvador, Argentina, 1971) and a PhD (Düsseldorf University, Germany, 1978) in Philosophy as well as a post-doctoral degree in Ethics (Stuttgart University, Germany, 1989). I have been working in the field of Documentation/Information Science since the early seventies in Germany. I was a Professor of Information Management and Information Ethics at Stuttgart Media University from 1986 until 2009 when I retired. I was Lecturer in Philosophy/Ethics at Stuttgart University between 1989 until 2004.
In 1999 I founded the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). ICIE soon became a community of some 300 colleagues from different countries and fields interested in the ethical issues associated with new technologies.
Petra Molnar and Jan Tobias Muehlberg on Technological Testing Grounds: Migration Management Experiments in the Age of COVID-19
Stefan Schiffner & Bettina Berendt on Anonymous whistleblowing or denunciation? Ethical and technical opportunities in an age of electronic communications
Tommaso Crepax and Jan Tobias Muehlberg on I used to be bad at Tetris, and now I can't get a mortgage!: On Assessing Privacy Risks in Online Games for Children.
Kevin Baum and Sarah Sterz on Ethics for Nerds: Best Practices for Teaching Ethics to Computer Scientists
Cathy Adams, Patti Pente, Geoffrey Rockwell, and Gillian Lemermeyer on AI Ethical Principles for K-12 Education: Pedagogical Appropriateness, Children’s Rights and AI Literacy
(This session was not recorded)
Carolyn Kmet on Ethics and Institutionalized Bias
Petra Molnar and Jan Tobias Muehlberg: Report, Technological Testing Grounds based on research last year: https://edri.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Technological-Testing-Grounds.pdf
Follow our work at the Migration and Technological Monitor: https://www.migrationtechmonitor.com/
Geoffrey Rockwell: https://informationethics.ca/
Kevin Baum: https://modisaar.cs.uni-saarland.de/