Major (BS)
Curriculum (Effective Fall 2020)
Math Requirements
- Calculus: Math 161, Math 162
- Linear Algebra: Math 212
Stats Requirements
- Introduction to Probability & Statistics: STAT 203
- Applied Regression Analysis: STAT 308
- Categorical Data Analysis: STAT 310
- 6 credits of STAT 300-level electives (excluding STAT 335 and 337)
Computer Science Requirements
- Computing Tools and Techniques: COMP 141
- Object-Oriented Mathematical Programming: COMP/MATH 215
- Data Structures & Algorithms for Informatics: COMP 231
- Database Programming: COMP 353
- 6 credits from COMP 300-level electives
Data Science Core
- Fundamentals of Data Science with R: DSCI101
- One of the following two courses:
- STAT 338: Predictive Analytics
- COMP 379: Machine Learning
- Social, Legal, and and Ethical Issues in Computing: COMP 317
- Big Data Analytics (capstone): COMP 358
- Data Science Consulting (capstone): STAT 370
Note: 59 total credit hours
Curriculum (Effective Fall 2020)
Math Requirements
- Calculus: Math 161, Math 162
- Linear Algebra: Math 212
Stats Requirements
- Introduction to Probability & Statistics: STAT 203
- Applied Regression Analysis: STAT 308
- Categorical Data Analysis: STAT 310
- 6 credits of STAT 300-level electives (excluding STAT 335 and 337)
Computer Science Requirements
- Computing Tools and Techniques: COMP 141
- Object-Oriented Mathematical Programming: COMP/MATH 215
- Data Structures & Algorithms for Informatics: COMP 231
- Database Programming: COMP 353
- 6 credits from COMP 300-level electives
Data Science Core
- Fundamentals of Data Science with R: DSCI101
- One of the following two courses:
- STAT 338: Predictive Analytics
- COMP 379: Machine Learning
- Social, Legal, and and Ethical Issues in Computing: COMP 317
- Big Data Analytics (capstone): COMP 358
- Data Science Consulting (capstone): STAT 370
Note: 59 total credit hours