CARE Services provide individualized support to students experiencing complex and oftentimes layered difficulties or obstacles that are non-behavioral in nature
Multiple factors that effect Academic Success
Loss of a loved one
Unusual financial difficulties
Food and housing insecurity
General mental health concerns
Social and emotional transition challenges
Feelings of isolation or disconnection from peers
Other overwhelming situational stressor(s) on or off campus
Once a CARE referral is submitted, DOS will outreach to that student of concern and connect them to resources. When students opt to attend a CARE meeting, they can expect the following services:
Private space to process, vent, grieve, etc.
Immediate or expedited access to resources
Assistance in developing a plan of action that address the student's concern(s)
Assistance in communicating needs to faculty, staff, etc.
Access to senior administrators
Streamlined services designed to eliminate the “bounce” between multiple offices
Assistance with some documentation
Assist students in navigating financial resources
Use for: Referring students who may need general assistance overcoming serious personal difficulties, navigating University systems, or getting connected to available resources (examples include students experiencing grief or loss, struggling with depression, or managing economic hardships).
Important note: All referrals will be addressed by a DOS staff member, but if a student is in crisis or at imminent risk of harm, please call Campus Safety first (773.508.6039)