Previous CSME Programs
The Center for Science and Math Education has coordinated and administered a number of programs for area teachers and students. Below are more details about some of our past efforts.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The partnership between Loyola University Chicago (LUC), Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and the Center for Curriculum Analysis (CCA) was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and housed in LUC Office of the Provost. The goal of this partnership was to create a three-tiered system of professional learning (PL) to build a sustainable network of PL facilitators within CPS. The partnership enhanced the capacity of the PL facilitators in CPS by deepening their understanding of the Amplify Science curriculum, supporting reflective instructional practices, and developing a coherent PL approach that attends to equity. This project developed a collaborative exportable professional learning structure. Project activities included intensive support of five geographically distributed “model schools” serving as laboratories/showcases of high-quality implementation of Amplify Science in CPS. Model schools were supported through LUC and CCA coaching in addition to the PL, providing rich, local exemplars of quality implementation for videos and/or site visits.
Western Union's Science Instruction Enrichment for Teachers of ELL Students program
This unique program sought to create opportunities for both science content teachers and ELL teachers to mentor each other in learning science content and developing effective strategies for ELL instruction. These teachers were then be able to further contribute to the community of teachers and learners assisting diverse populations of students at their school.
NASA Capstone Course for Earth and Space Science
The Adler Planetarium, DePaul University, The University of Chicago, Northwestern University and Loyola University partnered to offer the Capstone program. Each of the participating scientists at these institutions was currently engaged in NASA-funded research, and thus able to provide CPS students and teachers with unique insights into the nature of NASA data and what it tells us about our world and beyond, and also first- hand experience with the research methods used by space scientists.
The Capstone Course for Space Science was a two-year project that had three components: Intensive month-long workshops, Year-long Science Fair Project, Capstone Course in Earth and Space Science
Scale Up of Math and Science K-12 Education Reform in Large Districts
Scale Up was a Loyola-CPS-PRAIRIE Group NSF funded research project studying the role of various elements of the Chicago Math and Science Initiative (CMSI) and other science and math reform efforts in Chicago Public Schools.
Science IDS: Inquiry to Build Content
Loyola University Chicago along with our partners at the University of Illinois at Chicago worked with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on one of the most ambitious high school projects ever attempted in an urban school district. As part of the High School Transformation project, we collaborated with CPS teachers and administrators to develop an integrated sequence of science classes that reinforced the content knowledge and critical thinking skills that high school graduates of the 21st Century need. Using an inquiry based teaching approach, students learned science by engaging in science: formulating questions, conducting experiments and analyzing and evaluating the results of those experiments. Please read more about this wide ranging project to change the way science is taught in Chicago.
Master's of Education in Earth and Space Science Teaching
Designed in collaboration with Chicago Public Schools and area museums, the M.Ed. in Earth and Space Science Teaching program was designed for science teachers in urban settings. The program was designed to fit the busy schedule of inservice teachers. Fall and spring classes were held one night a week, and summer classes provided concentrated, in-depth learning.
Online Science Project
Concepts in physics explained and available online.
CPS Teacher Leadership Institute
Topics in Earth and Space Science, using the IES curricular materials. Each session consisted of a combination of content enhancement and hands on activities designed to enrich the implementation of the IES curriculum throughout CPS.
The Center for Science and Math Education has coordinated and administered a number of programs for area teachers and students. Below are more details about some of our past efforts.
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The partnership between Loyola University Chicago (LUC), Chicago Public Schools (CPS), and the Center for Curriculum Analysis (CCA) was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and housed in LUC Office of the Provost. The goal of this partnership was to create a three-tiered system of professional learning (PL) to build a sustainable network of PL facilitators within CPS. The partnership enhanced the capacity of the PL facilitators in CPS by deepening their understanding of the Amplify Science curriculum, supporting reflective instructional practices, and developing a coherent PL approach that attends to equity. This project developed a collaborative exportable professional learning structure. Project activities included intensive support of five geographically distributed “model schools” serving as laboratories/showcases of high-quality implementation of Amplify Science in CPS. Model schools were supported through LUC and CCA coaching in addition to the PL, providing rich, local exemplars of quality implementation for videos and/or site visits.
Western Union's Science Instruction Enrichment for Teachers of ELL Students program
This unique program sought to create opportunities for both science content teachers and ELL teachers to mentor each other in learning science content and developing effective strategies for ELL instruction. These teachers were then be able to further contribute to the community of teachers and learners assisting diverse populations of students at their school.
NASA Capstone Course for Earth and Space Science
The Adler Planetarium, DePaul University, The University of Chicago, Northwestern University and Loyola University partnered to offer the Capstone program. Each of the participating scientists at these institutions was currently engaged in NASA-funded research, and thus able to provide CPS students and teachers with unique insights into the nature of NASA data and what it tells us about our world and beyond, and also first- hand experience with the research methods used by space scientists.
The Capstone Course for Space Science was a two-year project that had three components: Intensive month-long workshops, Year-long Science Fair Project, Capstone Course in Earth and Space Science
Scale Up of Math and Science K-12 Education Reform in Large Districts
Scale Up was a Loyola-CPS-PRAIRIE Group NSF funded research project studying the role of various elements of the Chicago Math and Science Initiative (CMSI) and other science and math reform efforts in Chicago Public Schools.
Science IDS: Inquiry to Build Content
Loyola University Chicago along with our partners at the University of Illinois at Chicago worked with Chicago Public Schools (CPS) on one of the most ambitious high school projects ever attempted in an urban school district. As part of the High School Transformation project, we collaborated with CPS teachers and administrators to develop an integrated sequence of science classes that reinforced the content knowledge and critical thinking skills that high school graduates of the 21st Century need. Using an inquiry based teaching approach, students learned science by engaging in science: formulating questions, conducting experiments and analyzing and evaluating the results of those experiments. Please read more about this wide ranging project to change the way science is taught in Chicago.
Master's of Education in Earth and Space Science Teaching
Designed in collaboration with Chicago Public Schools and area museums, the M.Ed. in Earth and Space Science Teaching program was designed for science teachers in urban settings. The program was designed to fit the busy schedule of inservice teachers. Fall and spring classes were held one night a week, and summer classes provided concentrated, in-depth learning.
Online Science Project
Concepts in physics explained and available online.
CPS Teacher Leadership Institute
Topics in Earth and Space Science, using the IES curricular materials. Each session consisted of a combination of content enhancement and hands on activities designed to enrich the implementation of the IES curriculum throughout CPS.