Contact Us
Office Phone Number
Please call (773) 508-8118, the general phone number for the Computer Science Department, if you need an immediate reply or if you wish to speak to someone live. It is also recommended that you send an email to one of the email addresses listed below that corresponds best to your inquiry.
Department Location
Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Doyle Center is the light yellow building at the northeast corner of Loyola Ave and Winthrop Ave, halfway between Sheridan Road and the lake. You can see the exact location Google Maps
The current campus map shows Doyle Center as building 6 (preschool).
Faculty, staff, and TA/RA offices are on the top two floors, and the student research lab and lounge area on the garden level.
Mailing Address
Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Graduate Program
Undergraduate Program
General FAQs
Office Phone Number
Please call (773) 508-8118, the general phone number for the Computer Science Department, if you need an immediate reply or if you wish to speak to someone live. It is also recommended that you send an email to one of the email addresses listed below that corresponds best to your inquiry.
Department Location
Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Doyle Center is the light yellow building at the northeast corner of Loyola Ave and Winthrop Ave, halfway between Sheridan Road and the lake. You can see the exact location Google Maps
The current campus map shows Doyle Center as building 6 (preschool).
Faculty, staff, and TA/RA offices are on the top two floors, and the student research lab and lounge area on the garden level.
Mailing Address
Doyle Center
Lake Shore Campus
1052 W Loyola Ave
Chicago, IL 60626