

Jacqueline Long

Title/s:  Associate Professor
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs & International Initiatives, College of Arts and Sciences

Office #:  Cuneo 406/Crown Center 563

Phone: 773.508.3511/773.508.3654

Email: jlong1@luc.edu

External Webpage: http://jlong1.sites.luc.edu

E-Commons: https://works.bepress.com/jacqueline_long/


Personal interests include food, cats and forms of mild athleticism in which I won't hurt myself too much..


A.B., Princeton University

M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University

Research Interests

Late Antique history & literature; Roman history & literature; women and gender in the Classical world

Selected Publications

Representative Publications:

  • "Performance: An Approach to Strengthening Interdisciplinarity in Women's Studies and Gender Studies," Ann M. Shanahan, Prudence A. Moylan, Betsy Jones Hemenway, Bren Ortega Murphy, Jacqueline Long, Susan Grossman, Hector Garcia, Mary Dominiak, PARtake: the Journal of Performance as Research 1.1.4 (2016).
  • "Gender, Democracy, and the Justice of Athena's Vote to Acquit Orestes," Text and Presentation 12 (2015) 57-69.
  • Claudian's in Eutropium, or, How, When, and Why to Slander a Eunuch, University of North Carolina Press, 1996.
  • Barbarians and Politics at the Court of Arcadius, with Alan Cameron and a contribution by Lee Sherry, University of California Press, 1993.

Recent Talks:

  • "Social Choreography with three Electras: a Sounding of Gender and Community in Athenian Tragedy," 2024 Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando, Florida, 4-6 April 2024
  • "Hecuba’s Revenge and the Flaw of Female Kind," 2023 Comparative Drama Conference, Orlando, Florida, 30 March - 1 April 2023
  • "Resiliency in Sophocles’ Ajax," session Classic Character: Exemplary Models in Antiquity and Beyond, Northeast Modern Language Association, Niagara Falls, New York, 23-26 March 2023