

Pat Graham-Skoul

Title/s:  Adjunct Professor

Office #:  Crown Center 577

Phone: 773.508.3747

Email: pgraha1@luc.edu


  • advisor for Loyola's chapter of Eta Sigma Phi, the classics honor society
  • organized 2014 annual performance of the play in Latin, Exitium Caesaris
  • served as Fellow in Loyola's Center for Ethics


A.B., Loyola University Chicago

M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University

Research Interests

Greek lyric poetry, ethics, gender

Courses Taught

  • CLST 271 Classical Mythology
  • CLST 272 Heroes and Classical Epics
  • CLST 273 Classical Tragedy
  • CLST 274 World of Archaic Greece
  • CLST 295 Women in Antiquity
  • LATN 101, 102

Selected Publications

Recent Publications

"Sappho's Ethical Trajectory of Desire" in Dialogues D'Histoire Ancienne 47/2 2021.

Papers and Presentations

  • "The Trajectory of Desire in the Fulfillment of Grace," Classical Association of the Middle West and South, March 2015
  • "Internet Interaction: Student Projects and Teacher Web Pages," American Classical League, June 2000
  • "Taking Care of Family Members While Maintaining a Career: Limitations and Reciprocities," Classics and Feminism 3, May 2000
  • "Ancient Greek Women Poets and Women's Studies," panel presentation with undergraduate students, National Women's Studies Association, June 1999