
Documenting on LOCUS

Since fall 2011, students and instructors in engaged learning courses are required to document and approve internship, research, and volunteer site information in LOCUS. The information is used for institutional research, documentation, and risk management purposes and we appreciate your help gathering this information! Detailed instructions on this new procedure are below. We ask that this is done at the beginning of the semester.

If you have specific questions regarding the LOCUS process or system, please contact us at celts@luc.edu or via phone, 773.508.3366 (office).

Since fall 2011, students and instructors in engaged learning courses are required to document and approve internship, research, and volunteer site information in LOCUS. The information is used for institutional research, documentation, and risk management purposes and we appreciate your help gathering this information! Detailed instructions on this new procedure are below. We ask that this is done at the beginning of the semester.

If you have specific questions regarding the LOCUS process or system, please contact us at celts@luc.edu or via phone, 773.508.3366 (office).