

Service-Learning at Loyola

Learn about the many service-learning opportunities students can engage in at Loyola University Chicago.

Engage Your Teaching Workshops -- Oct 10 (WTC) and 11 (LSC): Loyola University Chicago

Engage Your Teaching Workshops -- Oct 10 (WTC) and 11 (LSC)

Loyola now requires all students to take at least 3 credits of coursework that are taught with an engaged pedagogy.  The University Engaged Learning Requirement can be fulfilled by any approved service-learning, academic internship, undergraduate research, field work, or public performance class.  New engaged learning class proposals are reviewed by the Engaged Learning Sub-committee of the Board of Undergraduate Studies (BUS), and then approved by the department prior to the creation of the upcoming semester’s schedule.  This one-hour luncheon workshop, offered at two different times and location by the Center for Experiential Learning staff, will introduce you to the University’s new criteria for engaged learning courses and acquaint you with the new course proposal and approval process.

Thursday, October 10 - noon to 1 PM
Corboy Law Center 326

Friday, October 11 - noon to 1 PM
Cuneo Hall 107

To RSVP, contact Chris Skrable, CEL Service-Learning Program Manager, via cskrabl@luc.edu.