Title/s: Associate Director
Service-Learning Program Manager
Specialty Area: Service-Learning, Faculty Development, Ignatian Pedagogy
Office #: Sullivan Center 294
Phone: 773.508.7080
Email: shaarman@luc.edu
Dr. Susan Haarman hails from Louisville, KY, but has lived in Milwaukee, Texas, Berkeley, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and the fine city of Chicago. She is the associate director at Loyola University Chicago’s Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship where she facilitates faculty development and the university's service-learning program. She has degrees from Marquette University, Loyola University of Chicago, and the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, and previously served as the faith and justice campus minister, also at Loyola University Chicago, where she ran service immersions. In addition to having a PhD in Cultural and Educational Policy Studies, she holds a Masters in Divinity, a Masters in Community Counseling, a certificate in directing the 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises, and is licensed therapist. Her research focuses on the intersection between social justice education, community-based learning, civic identity, and imagination. She is also an improviser and a storyteller.
BA in Journalism and Theology, Marquette University (Milwaukee, WI)
MDiv at Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley (Berkeley, CA)
MEd in Community Counseling at Loyola University Chicago (Chicago, IL)
PhD in Cultural and Educational Policy Studies (Chicago, IL)
IARSLCE - International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
AJCU Service-Learning Professionals
EXPL 290: Seminar in Community-based Service and Leadership: Refugee Issues
EXPL 291: Seminar in Community-based Research
ELPS 529: Seminar in Study Abroad Theory & Practice - A View From Rome
Presentations on Ignatian Pedagogy, Immersions, & Service
Presenter: Asset-Based Community Development and Dialoguing Across Difference: Annual Conference, International Association of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. New Orleans, July 2018.
Presenter: Ignatian Pedagogy and Service Immersion: A Reorienting: Ignatian Solidarity Network, July 2018, Boston College, November 2018.
Haarman, Susan; Orbik, Kelly, & Peak, Jeff. Toward a More Integrated Post-Immersion Practice: Methods, Strategies, and Challenges for Alternative Break Immersion Follow Up. Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Commitment to Justice Conference. Seattle University, August 2017.
Presenter: Earning Enlightenment on Someone Else’s Back: Examining Pilgrimage through the Lens of Whiteness. Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Commitment to Justice Conference. Seattle University, August 2017.
Presenter: Exploring the Gaps in Co-Educational Experiences in Community-Engaged Learning: A Theory Building Approach for Community-Engaged Pedagogies. Annual Conference, International Association of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement. National University of Ireland Galway, September 2017.
Presenter & Author. Problematizing Pilgrimage: Examining the (Over) Use of“Pilgrimage” in Service and Justice Work on College Campuses. Biennial Conference of the Association for Practical Theology. April 2016.
Presenter: “Rooting Our Work: Ignatian Spirituality and Pedagogy in Service.”
Ignatian Service Directors Conference. San Antonio, March 2016.
Presenter: Engaging Power & Privilege through Partnership and Ignatian Pedagogy. Focus on Teaching and Learning Conference, Loyola University Chicago, Chicago, Il, August 2015.
Presenter: First Principle and Foundation of Immersions: Engaging the Shadow Side of Service Trips using the Spiritual Exercises. Ignatian Family Teach In For Justice, Washington, D.C. Nov 2014, Nov 2015
Presenter: Privilege, Power and Personhood in Your JV Year. Jesuit Volunteer Corp RE-Orientation Event. Milwaukee, Wi, Jan 2015
Haarman, Susan; Downer, Jason, & Schwer, Lauren. The First Principle: How the Spiritual Exercises Serve as the Foundation of an Ignatian Approach to Student Affairs. JASPA 5 Year Summer Institute
Presenter: Intersectionality, Ignatius, and Students: Ignatian Spirituality and Jesuit Pedagogy as tools for working with students with Intersecting Identities. Conference on Diversity and Equity, Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities, Chicago, Il, June 2014
Presenter: When the Finite Meets the Infinite, TEDxLUC, March 2013.
Presenter: Failure is an Option: Endurance, Limits, and Vulnerability in Leadership. University of Notre Dame Sophomore Leadership Series. South Bend, In, Feb 2014.