Embedding photos into your ePortfolio is a great way to tell a richer story about an experience. Whether it is your time studying abroad or the service site you worked at last semester, a few photos will go a long way towards helping you share what you learned or experienced.
There are a number of ways you can embed photos in Taskstream and detailed instructions are provided below. Each option offers a different feature, so be sure to explore them all to select what works best for you!
Embedding photos into your ePortfolio is a great way to tell a richer story about an experience. Whether it is your time studying abroad or the service site you worked at last semester, a few photos will go a long way towards helping you share what you learned or experienced.
There are a number of ways you can embed photos in Taskstream and detailed instructions are provided below. Each option offers a different feature, so be sure to explore them all to select what works best for you!