
Academic Integrity & Appeal

Statement on Academic Integrity

A basic mission of a university is to search for and to communicate the truth as it is honestly perceived. A genuine learning community cannot exist unless this demanding standard is a fundamental tenet of the intellectual life of the community. Students of Loyola University Chicago are expected to know, to respect, and to practice this standard of personal honesty.

Academic Standards and Regulations

Students are personally responsible to review the following general academic rules and regulations. If students have questions about particular regulations, they should contact their academic dean's office for clarification.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly activity in an open, honest, and responsible manner. Academic integrity is a guiding principle for all academic activity at Loyola University Chicago, and all members of the University community are expected to act in accordance with this principle. See the University's policies on academic integrity here.

Academic Appeal Process

The University’s commitment to the care of the individual person is the foundation for an appeals process that affords students the opportunity to have a review of circumstances that impact their academic standing or progress at the University.

Academic Appeal Procedure

Please see the Undergraduate Studies Catalog for a more detailed explanation of the academic appeal procedures and the steps associated with it.

Academic Standing

Loyola University Chicago understands education to be a process of academic development and growth; therefore academic progress is an important element in an individual's life at the university. The University has instituted formal procedures for warning and ultimately dismissing those who are not progressing as required. Visit the academic standing page for more information on probation and dismissal for poor scholarship.


Plagiarism is a serious form of violation of the standards of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is the appropriation of ideas, language, work, or intellectual property of another, either by intent or by negligence, without sufficient public acknowledgement and appropriate citation noting the material is not one's own. It is true that every thought probably has been influenced to some degree by the thoughts and actions of others. Such influences can be thought of as affecting the ways we see things and express all thoughts. Plagiarism, however, involves the taking and use of specific words and ideas of others without proper acknowledgement or credit of the sources, and includes the following:

  • Submitting as one's own material copied from a published source, such as print, internet, audio, video, etc.
  • Submitting as one's own work another person's unpublished work or examination material
  • Allowing another or paying another to write or research a paper for one's own benefit
  • Purchasing, acquiring, and using a pre-written paper for course credit 

A basic mission of a university is to search for and to communicate the truth as it is honestly perceived. A genuine learning community cannot exist unless this demanding standard is a fundamental tenet of the intellectual life of the community. Students of Loyola University Chicago are expected to know, to respect, and to practice this standard of personal honesty.

Academic Standards and Regulations

Students are personally responsible to review the following general academic rules and regulations. If students have questions about particular regulations, they should contact their academic dean's office for clarification.