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The planning team, led by Facilities, conducted a variety of qualitative and quantitative analyses through the campus planning effort resulting in defined needs to improve University resources and services.

Data Input
  • Traffic and mobility study  
  • Classroom utilization study 
  • Lab utilization study 
  • Housing study 
  • Energy and decarbonization study  
  • Workplace study and strategy 
  • Facility condition assessment 
Defined Needs
  • 35,000SF of new teaching space  
  • 600 new residential beds  
  • Replacement of Flanner labs as a result of needed demo, plus addition of new teaching lab capacity  
  • Anticipated growth in wet lab research space needs  
  • Increase in simulation lab space, and a defined home for undergraduate Nursing and Health Sciences programs at LSC  
  • Increase in recreation space, both field space and fitness  
  • Repositioning and expansion of student success space  
  • Reposition of a welcome center home  
  • New space for community, gathering, study, and contemplation  
  • Increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption 
  • Enhance workplace culture through new workspace paradigm  
  • Reinforce campus identity and sense of place  
  • Improve campus mobility  


Email CampusPlan@LUC.edu with questions or feedback.

Data Input
  • Traffic and mobility study  
  • Classroom utilization study 
  • Lab utilization study 
  • Housing study 
  • Energy and decarbonization study  
  • Workplace study and strategy 
  • Facility condition assessment 
Defined Needs
  • 35,000SF of new teaching space  
  • 600 new residential beds  
  • Replacement of Flanner labs as a result of needed demo, plus addition of new teaching lab capacity  
  • Anticipated growth in wet lab research space needs  
  • Increase in simulation lab space, and a defined home for undergraduate Nursing and Health Sciences programs at LSC  
  • Increase in recreation space, both field space and fitness  
  • Repositioning and expansion of student success space  
  • Reposition of a welcome center home  
  • New space for community, gathering, study, and contemplation  
  • Increase energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption 
  • Enhance workplace culture through new workspace paradigm  
  • Reinforce campus identity and sense of place  
  • Improve campus mobility  


Email CampusPlan@LUC.edu with questions or feedback.