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Frequently asked questions

What is a campus master plan?

A campus master plan is a strategic roadmap that outlines the long-term vision, goals, and priorities for the development and enhancement of the University's physical infrastructure and facilities. 

What factors are considered when developing Loyola’s Campus Master Plan?

The Campus Master Plan accounts for a wide range of factors including academic needs, enrollment trends, demographic shifts, technological advancements, sustainability goals, facility adequacy, urban planning principles, and input from stakeholders.

So, you’ve identified needs; what comes next?

The next step involves conducting feasibility studies, exploring alternative concepts, and evaluating potential solutions to address those needs. This stage is crucial for determining the viability and impact of proposed projects before any final decisions are made.

How did the Loyola community participate in the campus planning process?

The Loyola community played an integral role in the campus planning process through town hall meetings, focus groups, studies, and consultations across the University and Rogers Park and Edgewater communities. Their input and feedback helped shape the priorities, goals, and strategies outlined in the campus master plan.

How will the Loyola community be kept in the loop?

The Loyola community will be kept informed and engaged throughout the campus master planning process through regular updates via this webpage, email newsletters, and social media channels. Additionally, there will be opportunities for community members to provide feedback and participate in additional town hall meetings, focus groups, and other interactive forums. 

How will the campus master plan align with Loyola University Chicago's mission and values?

The Campus Master Plan is a direct expression of Loyola's mission and values, which emphasize academic excellence, student success, sustainability, and community engagement. It aims to create an environment that supports the University's commitment to providing the best possible experience for our students, faculty, and staff.

How does the Campus Master Plan impact existing facilities and infrastructure?

The Campus Master Plan may involve demolition, renovation, expansion, or repurposing of existing facilities, as well as the construction of new buildings or infrastructure. These changes are carefully planned to enhance functionality, efficiency, accessibility, and aesthetics while preserving the historical and architectural character of the campus. 

I heard that the University is demolishing Sullivan Center and getting rid of all the books, is that true?

Contrary to any misinformation circulating, no books are being destroyed, discarded, or otherwise harmed. As mentioned above, the Campus Master Plan may involve demolition, renovation, expansion, or repurposing of existing facilities, as well as the construction of new buildings or infrastructure. Through this process the University seeks to improve or increase spaces for students and others to gather, congregate, and study across campus. Any physical reorganization of Loyola’s prized library collection is intended only to optimally utilize space across and within all University libraries our campuses. 

What is the timeline for implementing the Campus Master Plan?

The timeline for implementing the Campus Master Plan will vary depending on the scope and complexity of projects. A typical master planning timeframe aims for a ten-year future planning horizon involving multiple phases with short-term, medium-term, and long-term goals and milestones. Regular updates on progress and timelines will be provided to the Loyola community. 


Email CampusPlan@LUC.edu with questions or feedback.


Email CampusPlan@LUC.edu with questions or feedback.