Imaging Lab Equipment
Transmission Electron Microscopy
LKB 7801 Knifemaker (2)
Sorvall GKM Knifemaker (for EM use)
Sorvall MT-1 Microtome (2)
Sorvall MT-2B Ultramicrotome
Sorvall MT-5000 Ultramicrotome (2)
LKB Ultratome Nova
JEOL JEE-4X Vacuum Evaporator
JEOL 1200 EX Transmission EM - film recorder, transmitted beam only, NO detectors
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Polaron Critical Point Dryer (3 basket chamber)
Hummer VI Sputter coater - Gold/Palladium source
Hummer 6.2 Sputtering System - Gold/Palladium source
SPI module sputter coater - Gold/Palladium source
Cambridge Instrument S240 Scanning EM - Kodak D90 digital capture system
Light Microscopy Preparation
AO Spenser 860 Sliding Microtome (2)
BioRad Microcut H1200 Vibratome
AO Spenser 820 Rotary microtome (at least 2)
Sorvall JB-4 microtome
Sorvall Glass Knike Maker (for light microscope histology use)
EMS Oscillating Tissue Slicer
Sorvall TC-2 Tissue Sectioner
Digital Imaging - Microscopes
Olympus BH2 compound scope - 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x oil objectives with Bright-field and DIC
40x and 100x oil phase objectives
UV burner with - BF, U, B and G cubes (slide only holds 3... G normally not in place)
Q-Imaging camera
Sony Hyper HAD CCD-IRIS RGB camera hooked to a Panasonic Time Lapse VCR
Olympus SZX-12 stereomicroscope
0.5x and 2.0x lenses on revolving nose piece
SZX-ILLD 100 light base
Drawing tube
Q-Imaging camera
both microscopes attached to a PC with Image Pro Premier 9.0 and Image Pro Discovery as the Image
capture software
Fluorescence Microscopy
Nikon Labophot compound microscope with 10x, 40x, 100x objectives, Bright-field & Dark-field
10x and 20x phase objectives
UV burner with B and Chroma ‘TRITC’ cubes
Nikon D-5000 imaging system
Nikon Optiphot compound microscope with 10x, 40x, 100x objectives, Bright-field & Dark-field
10x and 20x phase objectives
UV burner with B and G cubes
Nikon D-5000 imaging system
Zeiss Axiovert 100TV inverted microscope, 10x and 20x objectives
(not sure what the cubes are in this microscope)
SPOT imaging system with attached monochrome-camera
Confocal Microscopy
Olympus Fluoview FV1000 Laser Scanning Confocal system
Olympus BX61WI fixed stage upright microscope, 4x, 10x, 20x, 60x, 60x oil, 100x oil objectives
extra 4x, 20x water, and 60x water objectives available
located on a Vibraplane air table
Lasers - HeNe (633), DPSS (561), Diode (440), and Argon Ion (488 and 514)
separate work station for reviewing data sets
Olympus DSU Confocal system
Olympus IX81 inverted microscope, 10x, 20x, 60x oil, 100x objectives
Tokai Hit stage top incubation system
Andor Neo camera
Metamorph Imaging software
Photography / Documentation
Bencher copy stand system
digital workstation with Photoshop CS3, and attached Epson Perfection 4990 Photo scanner
heated drying cabinet
laser printers - Dell 2330dn b/w, HP Color Laserjet CP2025… both networked
Seal Compress 110S & Commercial 210M dry mounting presses
digital, 35mm, 120mm, & video cameras available
darkroom inside BIF
1 gal autorad developing tank (manual)
Durst Laborator 138 S b/w enlarger - 35mm thru 4"x5" negative size, point source bulb
Polaroid MP3 copy system using Fuji 100B style film packs... UV transilluminator light box
5 gal autorad developing tank (manual)
Sample preparation
Generally, most researchers do sample prep in own labs, however a shared prep room is available with…
two 5' hoods; various ovens for infiltration and embedding of samples; assorted standard bench tools - pH meter, digital balance, osmometer; Barnstead E-Pure water system; house system - compressed air, gas, vacuum, distilled water and internet.
Transmission Electron Microscopy
LKB 7801 Knifemaker (2)
Sorvall GKM Knifemaker (for EM use)
Sorvall MT-1 Microtome (2)
Sorvall MT-2B Ultramicrotome
Sorvall MT-5000 Ultramicrotome (2)
LKB Ultratome Nova
JEOL JEE-4X Vacuum Evaporator
JEOL 1200 EX Transmission EM - film recorder, transmitted beam only, NO detectors
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Polaron Critical Point Dryer (3 basket chamber)
Hummer VI Sputter coater - Gold/Palladium source
Hummer 6.2 Sputtering System - Gold/Palladium source
SPI module sputter coater - Gold/Palladium source
Cambridge Instrument S240 Scanning EM - Kodak D90 digital capture system
Light Microscopy Preparation
AO Spenser 860 Sliding Microtome (2)
BioRad Microcut H1200 Vibratome
AO Spenser 820 Rotary microtome (at least 2)
Sorvall JB-4 microtome
Sorvall Glass Knike Maker (for light microscope histology use)
EMS Oscillating Tissue Slicer
Sorvall TC-2 Tissue Sectioner
Digital Imaging - Microscopes
Olympus BH2 compound scope - 4x, 10x, 40x, 100x oil objectives with Bright-field and DIC
40x and 100x oil phase objectives
UV burner with - BF, U, B and G cubes (slide only holds 3... G normally not in place)
Q-Imaging camera
Sony Hyper HAD CCD-IRIS RGB camera hooked to a Panasonic Time Lapse VCR
Olympus SZX-12 stereomicroscope
0.5x and 2.0x lenses on revolving nose piece
SZX-ILLD 100 light base
Drawing tube
Q-Imaging camera
both microscopes attached to a PC with Image Pro Premier 9.0 and Image Pro Discovery as the Image
capture software
Fluorescence Microscopy
Nikon Labophot compound microscope with 10x, 40x, 100x objectives, Bright-field & Dark-field
10x and 20x phase objectives
UV burner with B and Chroma ‘TRITC’ cubes
Nikon D-5000 imaging system
Nikon Optiphot compound microscope with 10x, 40x, 100x objectives, Bright-field & Dark-field
10x and 20x phase objectives
UV burner with B and G cubes
Nikon D-5000 imaging system
Zeiss Axiovert 100TV inverted microscope, 10x and 20x objectives
(not sure what the cubes are in this microscope)
SPOT imaging system with attached monochrome-camera
Confocal Microscopy
Olympus Fluoview FV1000 Laser Scanning Confocal system
Olympus BX61WI fixed stage upright microscope, 4x, 10x, 20x, 60x, 60x oil, 100x oil objectives
extra 4x, 20x water, and 60x water objectives available
located on a Vibraplane air table
Lasers - HeNe (633), DPSS (561), Diode (440), and Argon Ion (488 and 514)
separate work station for reviewing data sets
Olympus DSU Confocal system
Olympus IX81 inverted microscope, 10x, 20x, 60x oil, 100x objectives
Tokai Hit stage top incubation system
Andor Neo camera
Metamorph Imaging software
Photography / Documentation
Bencher copy stand system
digital workstation with Photoshop CS3, and attached Epson Perfection 4990 Photo scanner
heated drying cabinet
laser printers - Dell 2330dn b/w, HP Color Laserjet CP2025… both networked
Seal Compress 110S & Commercial 210M dry mounting presses
digital, 35mm, 120mm, & video cameras available
darkroom inside BIF
1 gal autorad developing tank (manual)
Durst Laborator 138 S b/w enlarger - 35mm thru 4"x5" negative size, point source bulb
Polaroid MP3 copy system using Fuji 100B style film packs... UV transilluminator light box
5 gal autorad developing tank (manual)
Sample preparation
Generally, most researchers do sample prep in own labs, however a shared prep room is available with…
two 5' hoods; various ovens for infiltration and embedding of samples; assorted standard bench tools - pH meter, digital balance, osmometer; Barnstead E-Pure water system; house system - compressed air, gas, vacuum, distilled water and internet.