John Cooke (AA ’23)

John Cooke '23
Degree: A.A. in Liberal Arts, Pre-STEM
High School: Golder College Prep
Involvements: Conference services student worker, President of Arrupe Business Society, internship with the HERO program, Black Cultural Center, intramural sports, internship for lung cancer and metabolism at the University of Iowa, Rambler Brotherhood, Fall Semester Freshman Retreat Leader, President of the Arrupe Homecoming Committee
Hello! My name is John Cooke. I'm here to tell you about my Arrupe College experience.
How I chose my degree:
I chose my degree because of my main goal of one day becoming a neurosurgeon. Biology also has a very wide spectrum of fields that you can go into; additionally, I am currently taking every opportunity to figure out what kind of doctor do I want to be early in my career.
My plans after graduation:
Continuing my internship at University of Iowa for the upcoming year and summer for a published paper. Pursuing an internship at Lurie Children's Hospital in the anesthesia department. Finally, I will be attending Loyola University Chicago pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a pre-med focus.
Professor a new student should absolutely take a class with:
One professor that really sticks out to me is Dr. Giancarlo Tarantino! He is great professor who understands that college is different for everyone and having a simple conversation with him on where your understanding is for philosophy, he can help build your confidence on what philosophy truly means. He is also professor that has work that takes time to do, but you have to meet him half way if you want the help that you may need.
Class I never expected to love:
Philosophy!!! This class has taught me more about what makes yourself you. It has taught me how to critically think and have those conversations with other people on what philosophers truly mean in their memoirs, which a lot of philosophers don’t make sense anyway.
Favorite spot on campus:
My favorite place on campus was the basketball court at Lake Shore Campus. This was a place where I could let my mind be clear and have fun with people I care about. This place has been my coping spot of when times were getting tuff and I just needed time for myself to get away.
Best thing I've done since coming to Arrupe:
The best thing I have done while being at Arrupe was being a kind outspoken person that I feel the sense of community that Arrupe College has to offer to students. I can truly say that Arrupe has helped me become someone I knew I could be, I simply needed the support and push from my community to be myself.
Some surprisingly cool things about Arrupe:
The surprisingly cool thing about Arrupe is how many different events we have as a community. There are so many clubs coming to light that I wished I could’ve been part of, but I am already so involved so many things that I didn’t want to overwhelm myself. There are so many clubs for everybody, and if there isn’t you can communicate with Dean David Keys to create one and get things going with your Arrupe people.
John Cooke '23
Degree: A.A. in Liberal Arts, Pre-STEM
High School: Golder College Prep
Involvements: Conference services student worker, President of Arrupe Business Society, internship with the HERO program, Black Cultural Center, intramural sports, internship for lung cancer and metabolism at the University of Iowa, Rambler Brotherhood, Fall Semester Freshman Retreat Leader, President of the Arrupe Homecoming Committee
Hello! My name is John Cooke. I'm here to tell you about my Arrupe College experience.
How I chose my degree:
I chose my degree because of my main goal of one day becoming a neurosurgeon. Biology also has a very wide spectrum of fields that you can go into; additionally, I am currently taking every opportunity to figure out what kind of doctor do I want to be early in my career.
My plans after graduation:
Continuing my internship at University of Iowa for the upcoming year and summer for a published paper. Pursuing an internship at Lurie Children's Hospital in the anesthesia department. Finally, I will be attending Loyola University Chicago pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Biology with a pre-med focus.
Professor a new student should absolutely take a class with:
One professor that really sticks out to me is Dr. Giancarlo Tarantino! He is great professor who understands that college is different for everyone and having a simple conversation with him on where your understanding is for philosophy, he can help build your confidence on what philosophy truly means. He is also professor that has work that takes time to do, but you have to meet him half way if you want the help that you may need.
Class I never expected to love:
Philosophy!!! This class has taught me more about what makes yourself you. It has taught me how to critically think and have those conversations with other people on what philosophers truly mean in their memoirs, which a lot of philosophers don’t make sense anyway.
Favorite spot on campus:
My favorite place on campus was the basketball court at Lake Shore Campus. This was a place where I could let my mind be clear and have fun with people I care about. This place has been my coping spot of when times were getting tuff and I just needed time for myself to get away.
Best thing I've done since coming to Arrupe:
The best thing I have done while being at Arrupe was being a kind outspoken person that I feel the sense of community that Arrupe College has to offer to students. I can truly say that Arrupe has helped me become someone I knew I could be, I simply needed the support and push from my community to be myself.
Some surprisingly cool things about Arrupe:
The surprisingly cool thing about Arrupe is how many different events we have as a community. There are so many clubs coming to light that I wished I could’ve been part of, but I am already so involved so many things that I didn’t want to overwhelm myself. There are so many clubs for everybody, and if there isn’t you can communicate with Dean David Keys to create one and get things going with your Arrupe people.