
Jesus Martinez (AA ’22)

Jesus Martinez Arrupe grad

Jesus Martinez '22

Major: Business Administration
High School: Kelly College Prep, 2020
Involvements: Arrupe Business Society, Student Government of Arrupe, the Grey Matter Experience program, and America Needs You

Hello! My name is Jesus Martinez. I'm here to tell you about my Arrupe College experience.

How I chose my major:
I choose this career path because I am passionate about one day starting my own business or firm. I remember my senior year of high school I was unsure if Business would be the right thing for me but after attending a career day with Deloitte and talking with professionals about it helped me set my decision to study Business.

My plans after graduation:
I will be attending Quinlan - Loyola School of Business where I will be pursuing a bachelor's in finance and a Minor in International Business.

Professor a new student should absolutely take a class with:
A new student should definitely take a class with Professor Lane. He will give you the set knowledge of Macroeconomics. I also recommend taking a class with Dr. Burke. Taking a class with him will be fun and engaging.

Class I never expected to love:
I never expected to enjoy writing so much, taking ACWRI 110 with Dr. Burke was amazing. I really enjoyed learning more about writing and how to better my skills. He was understanding and always made the class fun.

Best thing I've done since coming to Arrupe:
Definitely getting involved and building a strong relationship with faculty and staff. Also attending the retreats that were held at LUREC.

My favorite spot on campus:
My favorite place on campus is the study rooms. I really like them because they give me the opportunity to get my own personal space to work on assignments or anything else.

Some surprisingly cool things about Arrupe:
You get free breakfast and lunch. You get your own advisor who will assist you through the course of your time at Arrupe. Everyone is very welcoming and you feel like you're at home.

Jesus Martinez headshot

Jesus Martinez Arrupe grad

Jesus Martinez '22

Major: Business Administration
High School: Kelly College Prep, 2020
Involvements: Arrupe Business Society, Student Government of Arrupe, the Grey Matter Experience program, and America Needs You

Hello! My name is Jesus Martinez. I'm here to tell you about my Arrupe College experience.

How I chose my major:
I choose this career path because I am passionate about one day starting my own business or firm. I remember my senior year of high school I was unsure if Business would be the right thing for me but after attending a career day with Deloitte and talking with professionals about it helped me set my decision to study Business.

My plans after graduation:
I will be attending Quinlan - Loyola School of Business where I will be pursuing a bachelor's in finance and a Minor in International Business.

Professor a new student should absolutely take a class with:
A new student should definitely take a class with Professor Lane. He will give you the set knowledge of Macroeconomics. I also recommend taking a class with Dr. Burke. Taking a class with him will be fun and engaging.

Class I never expected to love:
I never expected to enjoy writing so much, taking ACWRI 110 with Dr. Burke was amazing. I really enjoyed learning more about writing and how to better my skills. He was understanding and always made the class fun.

Best thing I've done since coming to Arrupe:
Definitely getting involved and building a strong relationship with faculty and staff. Also attending the retreats that were held at LUREC.

My favorite spot on campus:
My favorite place on campus is the study rooms. I really like them because they give me the opportunity to get my own personal space to work on assignments or anything else.

Some surprisingly cool things about Arrupe:
You get free breakfast and lunch. You get your own advisor who will assist you through the course of your time at Arrupe. Everyone is very welcoming and you feel like you're at home.

Jesus Martinez headshot