
The following policies, processes and documents are provided to aid in the process of hiring new faculty.

Hiring Protocols

General Hiring Protocol for New and Replacement Tenure-Track and Non-Tenure Track Positions.



a. Form Search Committee (see guidance on Search Committee Composition)

b.  Upon forming the search committee, all search committee members must complete the Inclusive Hiring course in the LUC Enterprise Learning Hub

Note: Faculty and staff members may have already completed this course in the Learning Hub. They should check their completed courses in the Learning Hub to determine if they need to complete the training. If a faculty or staff member on the committee have not completed the Inclusive Hiring Training, the Search Committee chair should send a list of committee members who need the training to the Associate Director for Faculty Affairs to request access to the Inclusive Hiring Training course for those committee members.

In addition to completing the Inclusive Hiring course, we strongly encourage all committees to review the resources on Diversity and Mission in Hiring.

c. Search Committee creates Position Announcement (see guidance on Creating an Inclusive Job Advertisement)

d. Dean/Department Chair/Search Committee Chair can also request a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Liaison (DEIL) to consult at any stage of the search process. Please contact Associate Director of Faculty Affairs to request a DEIL. For more information on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Liaisons, click here.

e. Search Committee completes New Faculty Hiring Plan.

Note: The New Faculty Hiring Plan includes a requirement to provide IPEDs data. Please use Guide to Using Summary Table in IPEDS for additional support.

f. Send the New Faculty Hiring Plan to Lakeside Faculty Administration (faculty-admin@luc.edu) or Health Sciences Administration (hsc-faculty-admin@luc.edu). When sending plan to Faculty Administration, please use the following subject line: Faculty Hiring Plan_School/Department/Program_Academic Year of the Search.

  • Example: Faculty Hiring Plan_SOE Research Methodology_ 2023-2024

VP for Faculty Affairs must review and approve Hiring Plan before the Position Announcement can be posted.


a. School/College administrators submit position announcement in PeopleAdmin. Administrators must include search committee names in this submission. All search committee members will receive login information via email to access applications via https://www.careers.luc.edu/hr.

b. Faculty Affairs Specialist will review position announcement and post to the Loyola University Chicago Career website: https://www.careers.luc.edu, Chronicle of Higher Education, and Inside Higher Education. Please see Creating an Inclusive Job Advertisement for guidance on where to post position announcement. Hiring Unit should note that all recruiting materials in any venue must carry the EOE tagline: “Loyola is an Equal Opportunity Employer”

c. Search committee may distribute position announcement after announcement appears on the LUC careers website. Search Committee Chair must keep a log of every online announcement or posting of the vacancy on listservs (e.g. professional organizations, journal sites, discussion boards, etc.). All postings and ads may be requested for review by government agencies overseeing labor practices and/or immigration issues when we hire international faculty members.


a. Search Committee Chair monitors applications to determine when there is a strong applicant pool and review of applications can begin. Search Committee chair or designee should respond to applicant inquiries. Questions regarding technical issues with LUC careers site can be referred to Lakeside Faculty Administration (faculty-admin@luc.edu) or Health Sciences Administration (hsc-faculty-admin@luc.edu). 

b. Applicants must apply electronically via www.careers.luc.edu.

c. Search Committee should develop a process for reviewing applications to identify candidates for screening interviews. Typically, committees will invite 5-6 candidates for screening interviews.

Tip: Use Candidate Evaluation Tool to identify candidates for screening interviews.

d. Deans/Department Chairs should evaluate the short list of candidates for screening interviews to ensure that it includes diverse slate before the interview process begins.

e. The Committee should determine how interviews of short-listed candidates will be performed. As a best practice, we recommend virtual interviews to ensure equity given the substantial costs associated with travel.

Please note that recruitment costs are covered by Dean’s office. Contact your Dean's office/business manager first when seeking approval for campus interview expenses.

f. The Search Committee should create a screening interview protocol that will be used with all screening interview candidates. Committee must ask the same questions to all candidates. Please see this helpful guide on Interview Questions to Avoid.

g. After completing screening interviews, Search Committee should select slate of finalist candidates for on-campus interviews.


a. Dean must approve candidates for the campus visit. To request dean approval, provide the following candidate materials to the Dean: a) candidate cover letter and b) candidate CV.

b. Prior to making their campus visit, the committee should notify candidates that they should prepare to discuss their understanding of the University mission and how they will contribute to Loyola’s diversity, equity and inclusion efforts during their campus visit.

c. Make sure everyone interviewing is aware of the “do's and don'ts” of interviewing (i.e., what constitutes fair and legal pre-employment inquiries).

d. All inquiries, whether on forms, during interviews, meals, or any session with candidates (or requests for information concerning applicants), must comply with Federal and State law.

e. Assign a host and make comprehensive travel arrangements for the candidate. The host is responsible for the candidate’s visit and makes sure he/she arrives at each meeting on time. As the search committee plans the agenda, ensure that candidates have an opportunity to meet with faculty that share similar research/teaching interests and with available members of the candidate’s affinity group.

f. Know the procedures for travel expenses and reimbursement so you can advise candidate. Note: Travel and reimbursement forms are the same forms and receipt requirements as your professional travel reimbursement.


The Search Committee Chair or designee should provide the following materials to the Dean after the completion of on-campus interviews:

a. Strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. Search Committee should not rank the finalists with labels like "our 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choices." The dean should be able to read the evaluations and, in consultation with the search committee chair and/or department/program chair, determine the candidate to whom the initial offer should be made. 

b. Candidate Evaluation Tool. Please compile one evaluation tool per candidate—not one from every committee member.

c. Search Committee Diversity Narrative - Search Committee Chair can populate the demographics of the applicant pool using PeopleAdmin.

d. Search Committee Chair should submit one single pdf file for each finalist to the Dean. The single pdf file should include: a) candidate CV, b) candidate evaluation tool, c) summary of candidate strengths and weaknesses. Along with these files, the Search Committee Chair should also submit the Diversity Narrative.


a. The Dean should send an email to the Provost that includes a written recommendation of whom to hire for the position. Dean should attach the Diversity Narrative and single pdf file for each finalist (as described above) to this email. Please copy VP for Faculty Affairs on the email to the Provost. 

Your recommendation might look something like this:

The School of XX interviewed NN candidates for consideration for this position. The search committee, which was chaired by Professor XX, has concluded its deliberations and forwarded their assessments of the finalists.

After personally interviewing each of these candidates, reviewing the evaluations forwarded by the search committee, and discussing each candidate with the committee, I believe Candidate A is qualified for the position, as noted below.

Candidate A: Dr. A has excellent academic credentials, and has spent many years doing…. Dr. A has a Ph.D. in ZZ and is interested in returning to the Midwest. We believe Dr. A is a particularly strong fit for several current needs in the school because ofour focus on …. She has NN years of teaching experience, with special expertise in YY.

The committee found her research and scholarly work highly impressive, and her teaching and research strengths include … She stated that one of the primary reasons that our position appealed to her was our focus on transformative education. We believe she can contribute to our mission in the following ways...Based on her past successes with grantsmanship, the committee believes she would be successful in bringing new grants to Loyola. The committee believes she demonstrates high potential for faculty leadership...

The dean should provide a similar assessment of Candidates B & C or an explanation of why you believe Candidate B and/or C should not be considered for the position.

b. The Dean's recommendation to the Provost must also include the details of the offer to the candidate. Offer details must include:

  • Appointment Rank (e.g., Assistant/Associate) and Track (e.g., TT or NTT)
    • Start date (e.g., August xx, 20xx) and academic year
      Note: if a faculty employment start date is other than the start of the academic year, a Request for Adjusted Hire Date Form must be submitted
  • Base salary and Start-up funding
  • Moving expenses reimbursement up to $3000.00
    • Note: expenses beyond $3000 must be covered by School/College
  • Mid-Probationary and Tenure review years, including years of credit towards tenure
    • If applicable, the Dean may offer additional funds to support the start-up of the candidate's research program. These are funds beyond those normally provided by the academic unit, such as funding for labs and major equipment. 
  • Teaching Responsibilities

c. Other agreements between the candidate and the academic unit that are idiosyncratic to the hire (e.g., additional research funds, additional moving expenses) must be communicated separately by the academic unit to the candidate.