Curriculum Inventory Management System
Quick Access CIM Links
- Course Inventory Management (divisions & schools only)
- Program Management
- Intent Request Management
- Policy Request Management
- Miscellaneous Request Management
To view the status, the proposer (or anyone with CIM access) will use the same link they used to submit the proposal. The status of the proposal will be listed in the far right column.
Course Inventory Management
- Search for catalog-information in CIM about existing courses
- Propose changes in existing courses
- Propose new courses
- Request inactivation of existing courses
Intent Request Management
- Initiate an Intent Request
- Search for an Intent Request that has been initiated
- Modify an existing Intent Request
- The Intent Request has been required as a preliminary step for all proposals of new academic programs since academic year 2023-24. The Provost's Office will invite submitters of an approved Intent to proceed with full-scale new-program development in accordance with their Guidelines; the next step will be to submit a full proposal through the CIM's Program Management.
Program Management
- Search for catalog-information in CIM about existing academic programs
- Propose changes in existing academic programs
- Propose new academic programs - after invitation by the Provost's Office, consequent on approval of an Intent Request
- Request inactivation of an existing academic program
Policy Request Management
- Search for catalog-information in CIM coded as current policy of specific academic programs, departments, interdisciplinary programs, campuses, and Schools
- Propose changes in existing policies
- Propose new policies
Miscellaneous Request Management
- Search for, create, or modify requests not falling within the above categories
- Some matters indicated in the Chart of Reviews and Approvals for Academic Matters, but not by the above categories, may be addressed through Miscellaneous Requests
- Please follow School-specific processes for reviewing and approving new courses and changes to existing courses (e.g., approval by the an Academic Council). Effective 1 August 2024, they are to be requested through the CIM system via Course Inventory Management.
- The landing-page for CIM's Course Inventory Management presents:
- a SEARCH button with write-in window and instructions
- Type in a Subject Area Code used at Loyola to get all courses in the system so coded.
- Type in a word or character-string with * wildcard(s), as explained in the instructions, to get all Loyola courses that include the word or character-string in their titles.
- a pulldown menu of Quick Search requests by Status of the individual course
- Click to open a blank form through which a new course may be proposed.
- The PROPOSE NEW FROM EXISTING COURSE button (on the New Course Proposal form) opens an interactive sub-form though which an existing course may be selected to have its information populated into the New Course request, for editing elements that should be different.
- a results-window
- Click on the heading in the result-window's banner, to alphabetize result listings by either Course Code, Title, Workflow status of a Course Request concerning the course, or Status of the course in the catalog.
- Click on a specific course in the results-window to open CIM's representation of the course-information programmed in the catalog; the EDIT COURSE button opens a pre-populated form through which changes in the course may be requested.
- Preliminary steps - before starting workflows in CIM:
- Design the new course(s) or change(s) in existing course(s) that faculty in the course's home-unit intend: what learning-experience is to be offered to students, and what course-programming structures in LOCUS are needed to reflect and record students' experience?
- Consider what additional interest in each course may be felt beyond its home-unit, additional collaborations sought, additional support needed: consult with the appropriate parties and further work out the design-elements of each course accordingly.
- Formalize preliminary approval of each course-proposal with its home-unit and partner-unit(s) as applicable, according to the parties' internal processes.
- When design and preliminary approvals are complete, log in to CIM's Course Inventory Management.
- If the course being proposed will be wholly new, click the green PROPOSE NEW COURSE button: a New Course Proposal form will open.
- All red-rimmed input boxes are for information needed by the system before the application can advance.
- All grey-rimmed input boxes are for information that should be supplied if it applies to the proposed new course, but may be left blank if the information is not applicable.
- Boxes whose background is grey are for a different entity in the workflow to fill in, at a different stage.
- The input boxes may be expanded or contracted by holding the cursor over the diagonal lines in the lower right-hand corner of the input box so that a double-ended arrow appears, holding down the clicker, and sliding.
- Hover the cursor over the greyish circular ? buttons to see definitions or instructions for specific items, or click on the ? button to open a dialog-box with the same text; close dialog-boxes by clicking the red ⊗ button in their corner or by clicking a new ? button.
- Some yes/no selections may open or close additional possibilities within the form.
- Additional Outcomes beyond the required first one may be added by clicking the green ⊕ button; Outcomes may be deleted by clicking the red ⊗ button; Outcomes may be re-ordered by clicking the green up- or down-arrows.
- Additional Components beyond the required first one may be added by clicking the green ⊕ button; Components may be deleted by clicking the red ⊗ button.
- If you ever need to pause mid-form, click the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom to preserve your work thus far.
- If you ever need to abandon the form, click the red CANCEL button at the bottom to delete the form.
- When all pertinent course-information has been supplied, go back up to the top of the form and proofread, item by item, to make sure all information supplied is correct and no red-rimmed boxes are missing information, even if they opened up behind you.
- When all proofreading is confirmed and perfect, click the green START WORKFLOW button at the bottom.
- If the course being proposed will be new but modeled after an existing course, click the green PROPOSE NEW COURSE button, then when the New Course Proposal form opens up, click its green PROPOSE NEW FROM EXISTING COURSE button to open a dialog-box through which to select the existing model course.
- Select the School in which the existing model course is housed from the "Select College" drop-down list.
- Select the Subject of the existing model course from the "Select Subject" drop-down list.
- Select the specific model-course from the results window by clicking it: it will light up a blue background.
- Click the "Add Selected" button to populate the model-course's information into the New Course Proposal form.
- Alternatively, type the subject-area code (in all caps) and course-number of the existing model course into the "Quick Add" box and click the "Add Course" button to populate the model-course's information into the New Course Proposal form.
- Proceed as above to supply information needed but not populated into the New Course Proposal Form or to change pre-populated information so as to suit the new course, and to complete the application.
- If changes are being proposed to an existing course (including modifications to a New Course Proposal previously begun), use the SEARCH button to find the record for the existing course and click on the course in the results window to view the existing course's information in CIM.
- Existing courses with status "inactive" will offer a green REACTIVATE button above the course-information: click it to open a form pre-populated with the existing inactive course's information, which may be edited and completed as above to apply to modify and re-activate the course under the existing number.
- Existing active courses (status blank in the results window) will offer a green EDIT COURSE button above the course-information: click it to open a form pre-populated with the existing course's information, which may be edited and completed as above to apply to modify the existing course.
- If the request is to inactivate an existing course, use the SEARCH button to find the record for the existing course and click on the course in the results window to view the existing course's information in CIM.
- Existing active courses will offer a red INACTIVATE button above the course-information: click it to open a short form requesting the inactivation.
- Select from the pull-down menu the academic term as of which the inactivation should become effective.
- Type into the input box labeled "Justification" the reason why the inactivation is being requested.
- Double-check the request form and click either the red CANCEL button to abort the request or the green START WORKFLOW button to launch the request.
- All new academic programs to be proposed for offering at Loyola University Chicago must first have an Intent to Create a New Academic Program reviewed by the Provost's Office; pending the conclusions of that review, the Provost may invite the proposers to develop a full proposal for the new program and submit it for full review and approval in accordance with the Chart of Academic Approvals. Effective 1 August 2024, Intent requests are to be submitted through the CIM system via Intent Request Management.
- The landing-page for CIM's Intent Request Managementpresents
- a SEARCH button with write-in window
- Type in a word or character-string with * wildcard(s) to get all existing Intent Requests that include the word or character-string in their titles.
- a pulldown menu of Quick Search requests by Status of the individual request
- Click to open a blank form through which a new Intent may be proposed.
- a results-window
- Click on the heading in the result-window's banner, to alphabetize result listings by either Intent Code (assigned by the system when new Intents are proposed), Title, Workflow status of the Intent Request, or Status of the Intent Request.
- Click on an Intent Request in the results-window to open the request-document.
- Preliminary steps- before starting workflows in CIM:
- Design the new academic program and determine its defining elements as faculty in the program's anticipated home-unit intend: what learning-experience is to be offered to students, at what level, in what modality will it be offered, what academic unit(s) within the University will contribute to it, should it be constituted as an interdisciplinary program, what credential will recognize successful completion of the program?
- Articulate the purpose the program will serve.
- Identify similar programs at other institutions (local, regional, national, and Jesuit) that could serve as comparators for the proposed new academic program.
- Describe how the program will differentiate itself from others presently offered at Loyola University Chicago.
- Identify which CIP Code would best fit the proposed new program. (Consult the Policy on Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Assignment and CIP Code Change.)
- Prepare a list of courses, either already in the catalog or to be developed, that should be included in the proposed program. Of how many credit-hours will the proposed program consist?
- Identify what additional resources will be needed to support the proposed new program through startup: will it need new faculty lines, administrative stipends, additional sections of courses to be offered, capital expenses?
- Formalize preliminary agreement on the new academic program to be proposed, in terms of the Intent sketched here, within the proposed new program's home-unit and contributing partner-units, according to the parties' internal processes. Note that stakeholder Deans (i.e., if your program will use one or more courses from a different School, the Dean of that School is a stakeholder Dean) should review the proposal. Please ensure that you select Interdisciplinary and list the stakeholder School to trigger this review in the workflow.
- When design and preliminary approvals are complete, log into CIMIntent Request Management.
- To begin a new Intent Request, click on the green PROPOSE NEW INTENT button.
- All red-rimmed input boxes are for information needed by the system before the application can advance.
- All grey-rimmed input boxes are for information that should be supplied if it applies to the proposed new program, but may be left blank if the information is not applicable.
- Boxes whose background is grey are for a different entity in the workflow to fill in, at a different stage.
- The input boxes may be expanded or contracted by holding the cursor over the diagonal lines in the lower right-hand corner of the input box so that a double-ended arrow appears, holding down the clicker, and sliding.
- Hover the cursor over the greyish circular buttons to see definitions or instructions for specific items, or click on the button to open a dialog-box with the same text; close dialog-boxes by clicking the red ⊗ button in their corner or by clicking a new button.
- Some yes/no selections may open or close additional possibilities within the form.
- Additional Stakeholders in an interdisciplinary program may be added by clicking the green ⊕ button; surplus stakeholders may be deleted by clicking the red ⊗
- Additional Related Programs after the first may be added by clicking the green ⊕
- The "Find" link under the red-rimmed input-box for Proposed CIP Code will open an interactive window for the CIP Code Picker.
- Existing courses the proposed new program is to include may be listed by clicking the green ⊕ button in the red-rimmed Code - Title - ⊕ bar:
- Select the School in which the course is housed from the "Select College" drop-down list.
- Select the Subject of the course from the "Select Subject" drop-down list.
- Select the specific course from the results window by clicking it: it will light up a blue background.
- Click the "Add Selected" button to populate the course's information into the Curriculum list.
- Alternatively, type the subject-area code (in all caps) and course-number of the existing model course into the "Quick Add" box and click the "Add Course" button to populate the course's information into the Curriculum list.
- If you ever need to pause mid-form, click the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom to preserve your work thus far.
- If you ever need to abandon the form, click the red CANCEL button at the bottom to delete the form.
- When all pertinent course-information has been supplied, go back up to the top of the form and proofread, item by item, to make sure all information supplied is correct and no red-rimmed boxes are missing information, even if they opened up behind you.
- When all proofreading is confirmed and perfect, click the green START WORKFLOW button at the bottom.
- To open an Intent Request already begun, search for Added Requests (using the Quick Searches), click on the specific Intent document in the results-window; if you are going to continue editing an Intent in-progress, click the green EDIT REQUEST button and continue as above.
- To begin a new Intent Request, click on the green PROPOSE NEW INTENT button.
- a SEARCH button with write-in window
- Beforeproposing any new major, minor, or other new academic program (via CIM's Program Management, as really will follow in a moment), please compose and submit an Intent Request phase through the CIM system via Intent Request Management. The Provost will invite submitters of successful Intent Requests to develop and submit full Program Requests. Please do not initiate a new Program Request ahead of the Provost's invitation.
- The landing-pagefor CIM's Program Management presents:
- a SEARCH button with write-in window and instructions
- Type in a Plan Code used at Loyola to get the program information so coded.
- Type in a word or character-string with * wildcard(s), as explained in the instructions, to get all Loyola programs that include the word or character-string in their titles.
- a pulldown menu of Quick Search requests by Status of the individual program
- Click to open a blank form through which a new academic program may be proposed.
- The PROPOSE NEW FROM EXISTING PROGRAM button (on the New Program Proposal form) opens an interactive sub-form though which an existing program may be selected to have its information populated into the New Program request, for editing elements that should be different.
- a results-window
- Click on the heading in the result-window's banner, to alphabetize result listings by either Plan Code, Program Name, Workflow (step in the workflow at which a proposed program awaits review), Status (nature of the application), or Sunsetting (programs being proposed to be sunset).
- Click on a specific program in the results-window to open CIM's representation of the program-information programmed in the catalog; the EDIT PROGRAM button opens a pre-populated form through which changes in the program may be requested.
- Preliminary steps- before starting workflows in CIM:
- Design the new academic program or the change(s) in the existing academic program that faculty in the program's home-unit intend: what learning-experience is to be offered to students, and what structures in LOCUS are needed to reflect and record students' experience? If the application is for a new academic program, the New Program Proposal should follow through on the approved Intent Request for the program and on feedback received in the Intent phase.
- Consider what additional interest in the program may be felt beyond its home-unit, additional collaborations sought, additional support needed: consult with the appropriate parties and further work out design-elements of the academic program accordingly.
- Identify which CIP Code would best fit the new or changed program. (Consult the Policy on Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code Assignment and CIP Code Change.)
- For proposed new programs, articulate the purpose the new program will serve, its rationale.
- For proposed new programs, articulate the strategic contributions the new program will make: how will it support the University's strategic plan, its home-unit's strategic plan, diversity, equity, and inclusion, and community partnerships if any?
- Map out the proposed program's curriculum: identify existing and to-be-created courses the program will use, credit-hours, time to degree, capstone, suggested sequence, and Program Learning Outcomes. Describe how students will be guided and supported through the program, and how it will frame students' encounter with the central values of Jesuit education.
- Work with the Associate Provost for Accreditation, Assessment, and Regulatory Compliance to create a preliminary assessment plan for the program: by what metrics will students’ progress toward the Program Learning Outcomes? how will annual assessment review inform continuous improvement of the program?
- For proposed new programs, Enrollment Systems Research and Reporting / Enrollment Management will prepare a Market Analysis, working with the proposers of the Intent Request.
- For proposed new programs, work with the College's Associate Dean of Resources and Planning to prepare a 3-5 year revenue and expense summary using the New Program Budget Template.
- Articulate basic Admission Requirements for the proposed new or modified existing program.
- Formalize preliminary agreement on the new or changed academic program within its home-unit and contributing partner-unit(s as applicable), according to the parties' internal processes.
- When design and preliminary approvals are complete, log into CIM's Program Management.
- To begin a New Program Proposalwhere the proposal will be wholly new, click on the green PROPOSE NEW PROGRAM button.
- All red-rimmed input boxes are for information needed by the system before the application can advance.
- All grey-rimmed input boxes are for information that should be supplied if it applies to the proposed new program, but may be left blank if the information is not applicable.
- Boxes whose background is grey are for a different entity in the workflow to fill in, at a different stage.
- The input boxes may be expanded or contracted by holding the cursor over the diagonal lines in the lower right-hand corner of the input box so that a double-ended arrow appears, holding down the clicker, and sliding.
- Hover the cursor over the greyish circular ? buttons to see definitions or instructions for specific items, or click on the ? button to open a dialog-box with the same text; close dialog-boxes by clicking the red ⊗ button in their corner or by clicking a new ? button.
- Some yes/no selections may open or close additional possibilities within the form.
- Additional Stakeholders in an interdisciplinary program may be added by clicking the green ⊕ button; surplus stakeholders may be deleted by clicking the red ⊗
- Letters of Support from stakeholders in an interdisciplinary program may be uploaded by clicking the green ATTACH FILE button: navigate in the box that opens to the appropriate files on your terminal, select, and click "open" to upload or "cancel" to exit without uploading.
- The "Find" link under the red-rimmed input-box for CIP Code will open an interactive window for the CIP Code Picker.
- As its ? button explains, the input-window for Related Intent will take you to a list of approved Intent Requests: select the one that corresponds to the New Program you are proposing. If your approved Intent is not listed, please exit the New Program Proposal. A new Intent Request may be initiated in CIM's Intent Request Management.
- Additional Related Programs after the first may be added by clicking the green ⊕
- Additional Learning Outcomes may be added by clicking the green ⊕
- As its ? button explains, Program Requirements include individually required courses (every student completing the proposed new program must successfully complete every individually required course), requirements with options (students completing the proposed new program each choose from a list of options for that requirement a specified number of courses or total of credit-hours that they must complete successfully), and electives (students completing the proposed new program each choose a specified number of courses or total of credit-hours from a wildcard-programmed option such as SUBJ ### [i.e., any course within the SUBJ subject-area] or SUBJ 2## [i.e., any 200-level course within the SUBJ subject-area], that they must complete successfully); Program Requirements also should indicate capstone experiences, internships, required clinical experiences, and the like, as applicable.
- As its ? button explains, Suggested Sequence asks which Program Requirements students will typically take during which term over the duration of their studies in the proposed new program.
- If you ever need to pause mid-form, click the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom to preserve your work thus far.
- If you ever need to abandon the form, click the red CANCEL button at the bottom to delete the form.
- When all pertinent course-information has been supplied, go back up to the top of the form and proofread, item by item, to make sure all information supplied is correct and no red-rimmed boxes are missing information, even if they opened up behind you.
- When all proofreading is confirmed and perfect, click the green START WORKFLOW button at the bottom.
- To begin a New Program Proposalwhere the proposal will be new but modeled on an existing program, click on the green PROPOSE NEW PROGRAM button, then when the New Program Proposal opens, click its green PROPOSE NEW FROM EXISTING PROGRAM button to open a dialog-box through which to select the existing model program.
- Use the pulldown menu to Select the existing Program on which you want to base your New Program Proposal, or type the program's Plan Code into the Select Program input-box. (Keyword searches will take you to the first program in the menu that uses that particular keyword.)
- Click the "Copy Program" button to populate the model-program's information into the New Program Proposal form.
- Or click "close" to abandon the model and return to the blank New Program Proposal form.
- Proceed as above to supply information needed but not populated into the New Program Proposal Form or to change pre-populated information so as to suit the new program, and to complete the application.
- To propose changes to an existing program(including modifications to a New Program Proposal already begun), use the SEARCH button to find the record for the existing program, click on the program in the results-window, and then click the green EDIT PROGRAM button that appears at the top of CIM's record of information currently recorded for that academic program. Continue as above.
- To begin a New Program Proposalwhere the proposal will be wholly new, click on the green PROPOSE NEW PROGRAM button.
- a SEARCH button with write-in window and instructions
- Policies published in the Catalogare variously determined under the authority of specific academic programs, departments, interdisciplinary programs, campuses, Schools, and the University as a whole. Effective 1 August 2024, new policies may be proposed and existing policies modified through the CIM system via Policy Request Management.
- The landing-pagefor CIM's Policy Request Management presents:
- a SEARCH button with write-in window and instructions
- Type in a Policy Code used at Loyola to get the policy-statement so coded.
- Type in a word or character-string with * wildcard(s) to get all Loyola policy-statements that include the word or character-string in their Policy Names.
- a pulldown menu of Quick Search requests by Status of the individual policy request
- a PROPOSE NEW POLICY button: click to open a blank form through which a new policy may be proposed.
- a results-window
- Click on the heading in the result-window's banner, to alphabetize result listings by either Policy Code, Policy Name, Workflow position of a Policy Request, or Status of a policy in relationship to the catalog.
- Click on a specific policy in the results-window to open CIM's representation of the policy-information recorded in the catalog; the EDIT REQUEST button opens a pre-populated form through which changes in the policy may be requested.
- Preliminary steps- before starting workflows in CIM:
- Analyze the needs the academic policy is to address, and design the new or changed policy so that it meets the needs comprehensively, equitably, and consistently with Loyola's other operative policies.
- Consider what additional concerns in the policy may be felt beyond its proposing home-unit and what additional support may be involved in its implementation: consult with the appropriate parties and further work out design-elements of the policy accordingly.
- Formalize preliminary approval of the new or changed policy with its home-unit and partner-unit(s) as applicable, according to the parties' internal processes.
- When design and preliminary approvals are complete, log in to CIM's Policy Request Management.
- To begin a new Policy Requestwhere the proposal will be wholly new, click on the green PROPOSE NEW POLICY button.
- All red-rimmed input boxes are for information needed by the system before the application can advance. The word "Select..." and a downward pointing arrow in an input box signify the presence of a pull-down menu from which the appropriate answer can be selected.
- All grey-rimmed input boxes are for information that should be supplied if it applies to the proposed new policy, but may be left blank if the information is not applicable.
- Boxes whose background is grey are for a different entity in the workflow to fill in, at a different stage.
- Some inputs may open or close additional possibilities within the form.
- The input boxes may be expanded or contracted by holding the cursor over the diagonal lines in the lower right-hand corner of the input box so that a double-ended arrow appears, holding down the clicker, and sliding.
- The input box for Effective Catalog should be filled in with the academic year in which the new policy is being requested to become effective. Please recognize that years not listed in the "select" menu are not available in the current publication timetable.
- The input boxes for Policy Name and for Policy Content should be filled in with, respectively, the title and the policy-statement the proposers are recommending be published in the Catalog; rationale and information supporting the policy may be supplied in Supporting Document(s).
- Hover the cursor over the greyish circular ? buttons to see definitions or instructions for specific items, or click on the ? button to open a dialog-box with the same text; close dialog-boxes by clicking the red ⊗ button in their corner or by clicking a new ? button.
- Supporting Documents, if applicable, may be uploaded by clicking the green ATTACH FILE button: navigate in the box that opens to the appropriate files on your terminal, select, and click "open" to upload or "cancel" to exit without uploading.
- If you ever need to pause mid-form, click the SAVE CHANGES button at the bottom to preserve your work thus far.
- If you ever need to abandon the form, click the red CANCEL button at the bottom to delete the form.
- When all pertinent course-information has been supplied, go back up to the top of the form and proofread, item by item, to make sure all information supplied is correct and no red-rimmed boxes are missing information, even if they opened up behind you.
- When all proofreading is confirmed and perfect, click the green START WORKFLOW button at the bottom.
- To propose changes to an existing policy(including modifications to a new Policy Request already begun), use the SEARCH button to find the record for the existing policy, click on the policy in the results-window, and then click the green EDIT REQUEST button that appears at the top of CIM's record of information currently recorded for that academic policy. Continue as above.
- To begin a new Policy Requestwhere the proposal will be wholly new, click on the green PROPOSE NEW POLICY button.
- a SEARCH button with write-in window and instructions
- Several academic matters identified in the Chart of Reviews and Approvals for Academic Matters, but not covered by the above request-types in CIM, require approval by the College's Academic Council; some others don't but by other entities served by CIM workflows. Effective 1 August 2024, identified specific requests may be submitted through the CIM system via Miscellaneous Request Management.
Quick Access CIM Links
- Course Inventory Management (divisions & schools only)
- Program Management
- Intent Request Management
- Policy Request Management
- Miscellaneous Request Management
To view the status, the proposer (or anyone with CIM access) will use the same link they used to submit the proposal. The status of the proposal will be listed in the far right column.