​Recommended Courses

Let's make sure you're getting the most out of your current program

Prospective transfers can take courses that will prepare them for their program—before they even arrive at Loyola. These recommended classes help make sure students are moving toward their final degree. The courses below only make up a fraction of a Loyola program, so be sure to look at our Core Curriculum Guide for Transfer Students (PDF) on our Tools and Resource Guide page.

Students are not required to have these courses complete prior to applying. Not all majors have recommended courses.

If you have additional questions about recommended courses, e-mail us at transfer@LUC.edu.

We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Arrupe. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago. 

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ARRUPE
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 No Equivalent
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 No Equivalent
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 No Equivalent
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 No Equivalent
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 223/225 No Equivalent
Calculus 1 Math 161 No Equivalent
Calculus 2 Math 162 No Equivalent
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L No Equivalent
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L No Equivalent

**Biology, Biochemistry, and Forensic Science majors who transfer from Arrupe should plan to be at Loyola University Chicago for at least 3 years due to pre-requisite requirements and course sequencing. 

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 No Equivalent
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 No Equivalent
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 No Equivalent
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 No Equivalent
Calculus 1 Math 161 No Equivalent
Calculus 2 Math 162 No Equivalent
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L No Equivalent
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L No Equivalent

**Chemistry majors who transfer from Arrupe should plan to be at Loyola University Chicago for at least 3 years due to pre-requisite requirements and course sequencing. 

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
Calculus 1 Math 161 No Equivalent
Calculus 2 Math 162 No Equivalent

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
Statistics Stat 103 ACSTA 101

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L No Equivalent
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L No Equivalent
Calculus 1 Math 161 No Equivalent
Calculus 2 Math 162 No Equivalent

**Physics majors who transfer from Arrupe should plan to be at Loyola University Chicago for at least 3 years due to pre-requisite requirements and course sequencing. 

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
General Psychology PSYCH 101 ACPSY 201
Social Psychology Psych 275 ACPSY 275
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 No Equivalent
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 ACPSY 280
Statistics STAT 103 ACSTA 101
College Algebra or Pre Calculus Math 117, 118, or 108 ACMAT 117 or ACMAT 118

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACACT 201
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACACT 202
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 ACSTA 101
Micro Economics ECON 201 ACECO 201
Macro Economics ECON 202 ACECO 202
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 No Equivalent
Management MGMT 201 No Equivalent
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 ACCOM 101
Applied Calculus MATH 131 No Equivalent
Information Systems INSF 247 ACINC 247

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
General Psychology PSYC 101 ACPSY 201
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 No Equivalent
Statistics STAT 103 ACSTA 101

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at Arrupe
Calculus 1 MATH 161 No Equivalent
Calculus 2 Math 162 No Equivalent
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 No Equivalent
College Physics PHYS 111K No Equivalent
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L No Equivalent
Computer Programming COMP 170 No Equivalent
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 No Equivalent

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from City Colleges of Chicago. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 121
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 201
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 203
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 205
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 207
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 208
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHYS 235
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHYS 236

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 201
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 Chem 203
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 205
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHEM 207
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 207
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 208
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS 111/111L PHYS 235
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 112/112L PHYS 236

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 207
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 208

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Statistics Stat 103 MATH 125

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L PHYS 236
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 207
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 208

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 201
Social Psychology Psych 275 PSY 211
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 207
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 213
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 125
College Algebra or Pre Calculus Math 117, 118, or 108 MATH 118, 135, 140 or 143

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 BUS 181
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 BUS 182
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 216
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECON 202
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECON 201
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 BUS 231
Management MGMT 201 BUS 269
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 211
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPCH 160
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 204

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Undergraduate Admission Office at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 201
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 201
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 125

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 207
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 208
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 121
College Physics PHYS 111K PHYSICS 235
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L PHYSICS 236
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 144
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 121
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 207
Calculus 2 MATH 132 Math 208 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 125 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 201 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 121
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 201
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 203 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 125 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 201 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CCC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 BUS 181 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECON 202 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPCH 101 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 125 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 201 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from College of Dupage. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIOLO 1151
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIOLO 1152
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEMI 1551
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 ChemI 1552
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEMI 2251
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 2231
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 2232
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHYSI 1201
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHYSI 1202

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEMI 1551
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEMI 1552
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEMI 2251
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHEMI 2552
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 2231
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 2232
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHYSI 1201
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHYSI 1202

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 2231
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 2232

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Statistics Stat 103 MATH 1635

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 Math 161 MATH 2231
Calculus 2 Math 162 MATH 2232

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYCH 1100
Social Psychology Psych 275 PSYCH 2240
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSYCH 2230
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSYCH 2260
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 1635
College Algebra or Pre Calculus Math 117, 118, or 108 MATH 1218, 1432, 1533, 1113 or 1431

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 1101 and 1102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACCOU 2140
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACCOU 2150
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 1635
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECONO 2202
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECONO 2201
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MARK 2210
Management MGMT 201 MANAG 2200, 2210, OR 2220
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUSIN 2211 and 2212
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPEEC 1100
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 2134

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 1101 and 1102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSYCH 1100
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOCI 1100
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 1635

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 2231
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 2232
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIOLO 1151
College Physics PHYS 111K PHYSI 2111
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L PHYSI 2112
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 2485
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIOL 1151 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIOL 1152 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 2231 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 2232 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 1635
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYCH 1100 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIOL 1151
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIOL 1152 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 1551 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 1552 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 1635 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYCH 1100 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at COD
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACCOU 1140 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECONO 2202 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 1635 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPEEC 1100 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYCH 1100 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from College of Lake County. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 161
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 162
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 123
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 222
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 145
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 146
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 121
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 122

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 123
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 222
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHEM 223
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 145
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 146
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 121
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 122

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 145
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 146

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Statistics STAT103 MATH 142

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MTH 145
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MTH 146

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 121
Social Psychology PSYCH 275 PSY 225
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 222
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 223
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 142
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MATH 144, 122, OR 127

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 121 and 122 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACC 121
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACC 122
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 222
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECO 222
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECO 221
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 BUS 122
Management MGMT 201 BUS 223
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 221
Ethics in Business MGMT 341 BUS 132
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 CMM 122
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 145

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 121 and 122 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 121
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 121
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 142

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 145
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 146
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 162
College Physics PHYS 111K **
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIT 137
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 EGR 121

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 161 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 162 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 145 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 146 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 222 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 121 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 161 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 162 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 121 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 123 
Statistics STAT103 MATH 222 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 121 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at CLC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 121 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECO 222 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 222 
Public Speaking COMM 101 CMM 121 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 121 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Elgin Community College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 113
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 114
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 142
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 143
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 234
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 126
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 134
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 102

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 142
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 143
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 234
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 235
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 126
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 134
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 211
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 212

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 126
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 134

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 133
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 134

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100
Social Psychology PSYCH 275 PSY 215
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 110
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 216
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120
College Algebra or Pre Calculus Math 117, 118, or 108 MATH 125, 114, OR 112 

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACCT 200
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACCT 240
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 BUS 140
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECN 201
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECN 202
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MKT 103
Management MGMT 201 MMT 101
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS112
Ethics in Business MGMT 341 BUS254
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 Not Available (CMS 101 is an accepted substitute for all business majors except Accounting and Finance)
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 126

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 100
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 100
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 190
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 210
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, BIO 111 BIO 113
College Physics PHYS 111K PHY 211
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L PHY 212
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 207 OR CIS 223
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 EGR 101

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 113 
Biology 2 and LabBIO BIO 102/112  114 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 133 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 134 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 113 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 114 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 142 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 143 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at ECC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 101 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECN 103 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPH 101 OR 102 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Harper College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 115
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 116
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 122
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 204
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 200
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 201
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 121
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 122

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 122
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 204
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 205
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 200
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 201
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 121
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 122

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 200
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 201

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 165

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L PHY 201
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 200
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 201

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101
Social Psychology Psych 275 **
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSYC 216 OR PSY 228
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSYC 230
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 165
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MATH 124, 103, or 140

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACC 101
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACC 102
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 225
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECON 211
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECON 212
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MKT 245
Management MGMT 201 MGT 270
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPE 101
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 134

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSYC 201
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 101
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 165

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 200
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 201
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 210
College Physics PHYS 111K **
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 CSC 121, CIS 106, CIS 168, OR CIS 268.
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 EGR 120

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 115 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 116 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 200 
Calculus 2  MATH 132 MATH 201 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 162 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 115 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 116 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 121 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 122 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 162
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at HC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 101 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECON 211
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 162
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPE 101 OR 102 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Joliet Junior College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 151
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 152
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 101
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 102
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 209
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 170
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 171
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHYS 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHYS 102

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 101
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 102
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHEM 209
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHEM 210
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 170
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 171
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHYS 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHYS 102

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 170
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 171

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 128

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 170
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 171

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 101
Social Psychology PPSYCH 275 PSYC 208
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSYC 210
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSYC 205
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 128
College Algebra or Pre Calculus Math 117, 118, or 108 MATH 153, 131, 141, 139, 138 or 142

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACCY 101
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACCY 102
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 BUS 205
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECON 104
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECON 103
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MKTG 101
Management MGMT 201 MGMT 101
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BLAW 101
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPCH 101
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 150

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSYC 101
Society in a Global Age SOCL 101 SOC 101
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 128

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 170
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 171
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 151
College Physics PHYS 111K **
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 236
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 151 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112  BIO 152 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 170 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 171 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 128 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 101 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 151 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 152 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 101 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 102 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 128 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 101 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at JJC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACCY 101 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECON 104 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 128 
Public Speaking COMM 101 COMM 101 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSYC 101 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Mchenry County College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 151 and 152 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 157
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 158
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 165
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 166
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 265
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 175
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 245
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 280
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 281

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 165
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 166
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 265
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 266
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 175
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 245
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 280
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 281

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 175
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 245

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 120, 200, or 220

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 175
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MAT 245

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 151
Social Psychology Psych 275 PSY 265
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 250
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 275
Statistics STAT 103 MAT 120, 200, or 220
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MAT 165, 161 , or 170 

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 151 and 152 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 BUS 151 or ACC 151 
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 BUS 152 or ACC 152
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 120, 200, or 220
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECO 251
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECO 252
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MKT 110
Management MGMT 201 MGT 150
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 241
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPE 151
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MAT 171

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 151 and 152 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 151
Society in a Global Age SCO 101 SOC 151
Statistics STAT 103 MAT 120, 200, 220

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 175
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MAT 245
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 157
College Physics PHYS 111K PHY 291
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L PHY 292
Computer Programming COMP 170 CSC 121
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 EGR 151

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 157 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 158 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 175 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 245 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 220 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 151 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 157 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 158 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHM 165 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHM166 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 220 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 151 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MCC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 151 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECO 251 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 220 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPE 151 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 151 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Moraine Valley Community College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 111
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 112
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 131
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 132
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 203
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 150
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MTH 151
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 150
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 151

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHEM 131
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 132
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 203
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 204
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 150
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MTH 151
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 105
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 151

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 150
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MTH 151

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 139

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L PHY 204
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 150
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 151

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101
Social Psychology PSYCH 275 PSY 202
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSYC 104 OR 105
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSYC 205
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 118 OR MATH 139
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MATH 141, 142, or 143

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 BUS 142
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 BUS 143
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 139
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECO 102
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECO 101
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 BUS 130
Management MGMT 201 BUS 231
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 110
Ethics in Business MGMT 341 BUS 226
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 COM 103
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 145

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 101
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 101
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 139

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 150
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 151
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 111
College Physics PHYS 111K PHY 203
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 CSC 140
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 111 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 112 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 150 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 151 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 118 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 111 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 112 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHM 131 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 132 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 118 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MVCC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 BUS 142 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECO 102 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 118 
Public Speaking COMM 101 COM 103 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Morton College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 110
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 111
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 101
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 102
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 205
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 201
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 202
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 102

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 101
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 102
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 205
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 206
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 201
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 202
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 105
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 205

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 201
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 202

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Statistics STAT103 MATH 141

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 201
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 202

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101
Social Psychology PSYCH 275 PSY 201
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 210
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 202
Statistics STAT 103 MAT 141
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MAT 105, 110, or 124

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 BUS 101
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 BUS 102
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 141
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECO 102
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECO 101
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 BUS 107
Management MGMT 201 BUS 208
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS230 AND 231 (need both)
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPE 101
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 224

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 101
Society in a Global Age SCO 101 SOC 100
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 141

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 201
Calculus 2 Math 162 MAT 202
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 110
College Physics PHYS 111K PHY 105
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L PHY 205
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 170
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 110 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 111 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 201 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 202 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 141 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 110 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 111 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHEM 101 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHEM 102 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 141 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at MC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 BUS 101 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECO 102 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 141 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPE 101 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Oakton College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 121
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 122
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 205
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 250
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 251
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 131
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 132

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 122
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 221
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 222
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 250
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 251
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 131
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 132

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 250
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 251

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 131

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L PHY 221
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L PHY 222
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 250
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MAT 251

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101
Social Psychology Psych 275 PSY 103
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 120
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 203
Statistics STAT 103 MAT 131
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MAT 143, 140, 149, OR 121

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACC 153
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACC 154
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 190
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECON 202
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECON 201
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MKT 131
Management MGMT 201 MGT 205
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 225
Ethics in Business MGMT 341 BUS 107
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPE 103
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MAT 180

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Loyola is proud to have a strong partnership with Oakton Community College to help students transition from an Associate of Arts (A.A) into the Bachelor of Science in Education, elementary education (B.S.Ed.). This partnership allows students to spend two years at Oakton Community College then transfer to Loyola University Chicago to complete the Bachelors degree in two additional years. It is important to continue working with your academic advisor at Oakton Community college as you make your transfer plans.

You can find more information on the partnership between Loyola University Chicago and Oakton Community College here

First Year at Oakton Community College

Semester One

Course NumberCourse Name/ TypeSemester Credits
EDN 101 Introduction to Education 3
EGL 101 English Composition 1 3
MATH 128 Foundations of Math for Elementary Teachers 3
PHL 106 Ethics 3
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology 3

Total Semester Credit Hours= 15

Semester Two

Course NumberCourse Name/ TypeSemester Credits
EDN 180  Diversity of Schools and Society 3
EGL 102 English Composition 2 3
HIS 111 or HIS 112 United States History 3
PSC 101 American Government 3
MAT 129 Foundations of Math for Elementary Teachers 2 3

Total Semester Credit Hours= 15


Second Year at Oakton Community College

Semester One

Course NumberCourse Name/ TypeSemester Credits
BIO 101 Introduction to Life Sciences (lab) 4
CHOOSE ONE EGL 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135 3
MAT 125 General Education Mathematics 4
EDN/PSY201 Eudcational Psychology 3
SPE 103 Effective Speech 3

Total Semester Credit Hours= 17

Semester Two

Course NumberCourse Name/ TypeSemester Credits
EAS 100  Introduction to Earth Science 4
EDN 280 Students with Disabilities in School 3
CHOOSE ONE SOC 230, SOC 232, SSC 105 3
CHOOSE ONE HUM 123, HUM 125, HUM 131, HUM165, MUS 236, ART 114 3

Total Semester Credit Hours= 16

Total Semester credit hours needed for A/A/ Degree: 63


Loyola University- Chicago Courses

Course NumberCourse Name/ TypeSemester Credits
TLSC 231 Teaching Sciences & Writing in Elemtary Classrooms 3
TLSC 232 SS & Writing in Elementary Grades 3
TLSC 310 Language and Literacy for Diverse Students 3
TLSC 320 Using Classroom Data to Advance Student Achievement 2
TLSC 330 Literacy in Specific Contexts 2
TLSC 300A Professional Learning Communities 0
Science General Science 3
Humanities PHIL 190 or THEO 190, Mission  3
Education CIEP 206, Child Literature 3
TLSC 340 [1] Teaching & Learning in an Area of Specialization 2
TLSC 350 [2] Teaching & Learning with a Global Framework 4
TLSC 300 B Professional Learning Communities 1
Science General Science 3
CIEP 359 Teaching Reading  3
TLSC 260 A-Typical Development 2
TLSC 261 Life Planning 2
TLSC 360 Develop Instruct Assess 3
TLSC 370 Implemnet Instruct & Access 3
ELPS 302 Philosophy of Education 3
CIEP478 Behavior Intervention 3
TLSC 380 Internship Student Teaching 12
TSLC 300B Professional Learning Communities 1

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 101
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 101
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 131

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 250
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MAT 251
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 121
College Physics PHYS 111K **
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 CSC 155 OR 156
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 121 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 250 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 251 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 131 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 121 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHM 121 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 122 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 131 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at OCC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 153 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECO 202 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 131 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPE 103 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from South Suburban College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 105
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 106
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 113
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 114
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 203
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 190
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MTH 203
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 102

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 113
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 114
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 203
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 204
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 190
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MTH 203
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 102

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 190
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MTH 203

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Statistics STAT 103 MTH 126

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L **
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L **
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MTH 190
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MTH 203

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101
Social Psychology Psych 275 PSY 204
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 211
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 206
Statistics STAT 103 MTH 126
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MATH 161, 165, 169, or 180  

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACC 120
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACC 121
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MTH 211
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECO 202
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECO 201
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 BUS 203
Management MGMT 201 BUS 220
Law/Regulatory Environments of Business LREB 315 BLW 203
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPE 108
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MTH 180

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact Admissions at 773.508.3075, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 101
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 101
Statistics STAT 103 MTH 126

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MTH 190
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MTH 203
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, BIO 111 BIS 105
College Physics PHYS 111K **
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 **
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 105 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 106 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 190  
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 203 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 126 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 105 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 106 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CHM 113 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 114 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 126 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at SSC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 120 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECO 202 
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 126 
Public Speaking COMM 101 SPE 108 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Trition College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 150
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 151
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 140
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 141
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 234
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 131
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 133
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 102

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CHM 140
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 141
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CHM 234
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CHM 235
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 131
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 133
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PHY 101
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PHY 102

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MAT 131
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MAT 133

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 170

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L PHY 106
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L PHY 107
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MATH 131
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MATH 133

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 101
Social Psychology Psych 275 PSY 201
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PSY 216
Abnormal Psychology PSYCH 331 PSY 238
Statistics STAT 103 MAT 170
College Algebra or Pre Calculus MATH 117, 118, or 108 MAT 124, 110, OR 111 

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACC 101
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACC 105
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 MATH 170
Micro Economics ECON 201 ECO 103
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECO 102
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 BUS 127
Management MGMT 201 BUS 150
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 161
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 103 SPE 101
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MATH 134

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PSY 100
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SOC 100
Statistics STAT 103 MATH 170

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MAT 131
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MAT 133
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIS 110
College Physics PHYS 111K **
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L **
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 101
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 150 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 151 
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MATH 131 
Calculus 2 MATH 132 MATH 133 
Statistics Stat 103 MATH 170
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100 

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 150 
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 151 
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/11 CHM 140 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CHM 141 
Statistics STAT 103 MAT 170 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100 

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at TC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACC 120 
Microeconomics ECON 201 EC 122 
Statistics STAT 103 MA 107  
Public Speaking COMM 101 COM 100 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PSY 100 
We are here to help!

The recommended courses and course numbers are those from Waubonsee Community College. Please note, this guide is not a replacement for proper academic advising. Continue working with your academic advisor to ensure you are taking the proper courses throughout your education.

These courses are recommended, but you are not required to have them all completed prior to applying and starting at Loyola University Chicago.

All CAS Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Biology, Biochemistry, or Forensic Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 120
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CH 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CH 122
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CH 231
Calculus 1 Math 161 MTH 131
Calculus 2 Math 162 MTH 132
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PH 221
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PH 222

Chemistry (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Chemistry 1 with Lab CHEM 101/ 111 CH 121
Chemistry 2 with Lab CHEM 102/112 CH 122
Organic Chem 1 with Lab CHEM 221 CH 231
Organic Chem 2 with Lab CHEM 222 CH 232
Calculus 1 Math 161 MTH 131
Calculus 2 Math 162 MTH 132
Physics 1 With Lab PHYS111/111L PH 221
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS112/112L PH 222

Computer Science (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Calculus 1 Math 161 MTH 131
Calculus 2 Math 162 MTH 132

Criminal Justice and Criminology  Foundation Course and Major Electives

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Statistics Stat 103 MA 107

Physics  Foundation

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Physics 1 with Lab PHYS125/125 L PH 221
Physics 2 with Lab PHYS 126/ 126L PH 222
Calculus 1 Math 161 MTH 131
Calculus 2 Math 162 MTH 132

Psychology (BS)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
General Psychology PSYCH 101 PY 100
Developmental Psychology PSYCH 273 PY 220.62
Statistics STAT 103 MA 107
College Algebra or Pre Calculus Math 117, 118, or 108 MTh 129, 130  or  MTH 210.920

Other majors not listed • no recommended courses

All SOC Majors  Foreign Language

Language Course equivalent to Loyola 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area.

Each business student needs to complete the following required business administration courses as well as the required courses for one concentration area. Please note, these are not required for admission but are highly recommended.

All Quinlan Majors (BBA)  Business Core

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Accounting 1 ACCT 201 ACC 202
Accounting 2 ACCT 202 ACC 203
Business Statistics ISSCM 241 BUS 107
Micro Economics ECON 201 EC 201
Macro Economics ECON 202 ECN 202
Fundamentals of Marketing MARK 201 MKT 200
Management MGMT 201 MGT 200
Law and the Regulatory Environment of Business LREB 315 BUS 210
Speech for Business Professionals COMM 100 COM 121
Applied Calculus MATH 131 MTH 131 OR MTH 211

All IES Majors • Foreign Language

Language Courses equivalent to Loyola 101 and 102 in any non-English language

Students can meet this requirement by having an appropriate score on an Advanced Placement test or by passing a 102-level language competency test.

There are no recommended courses at this time. For information about transferring to Loyola's Teacher Preparation programs, please contact our Adult and Transfer Center at 773.508.7444, or e-mail transfer@LUC.edu. 

Social Work (BSW)  Foundation Courses

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
General Psychology PSYC 101 PY 100
Society in a Global Age SOC 101 SO 100
Statistics STAT 103 MA 107

All Engineering Science majors must complete the required pre-requisites prior to enrollment at the University 

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Calculus 1 MATH 161 MTH 131
Calculus 2 MATH 162 MTH 132
Biology 1 with lab BIO 101, Bio 111 BIO 120
College Physics PHYS 111K PH 221
College Physics 2 with lab PHYS 112K, PHYS 112L PH 222
Computer Programming COMP 170 CIS 2485
Engineering Graphics ENGR 102 **

Loyola SCPS recognizes and values the academic efforts of our students from partner institutions. If you have previously studied at a regionally accredited institution, we have good news for you!

Transfer Credit:

We can accept up to 64 credit hours from all two-year institutions, such as community colleges. If you've attended a four-year university, there's no limit on the number of credit hours you can transfer.

Core Curriculum:

Students who have completed an A.A., A.S., or a General Education Core Curriculum are considered to have met Loyola's Core Curriculum requirements. However, do note that mission-specific courses are exceptions.

Major Requirements:

Transfer credits can satisfy up to half of your major requirements.

Explore our variety of SCPS major options here on the Loyola SCPS website.

We also understand that learning isn't restricted to classrooms. Especially for our adult students, learning often occurs in professional environments or personal endeavors:

Non-traditional Credit:

You can earn up to 36 non-traditional credit hours (CLEP, DSST, ACE) towards your undergraduate degree at SCPS.

Wondering how your existing credits will fit into a Loyola degree? Request a Free SCPS Transfer Credit Evaluation today! Plus, with Transferology, you can track how courses from other institutions transfer to Loyola.

Public Health

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 120
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Calculus 1 MATH 131 MTH 131 or MTH 211
Calculus 2 MATH 132 **
Statistics STAT 103 MTH 107
Psychology PSYCH 101 PY 100

Exercise Science

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Biology 1 and Lab BIO 101/ 111 BIO 120
Biology 2 and Lab BIO 102/112 BIO 122
Chemistry 1 and lab CHEM 101/111 CH 121 
Chemistry 2 and lab CHEM 102/112 CH 122
Statistics STAT 103 MTH 107
Psychology PSYCH 101 PY 100

Healthcare Administration

Course Title Course Code at Loyola Course Code at WCC
Introduction to Accounting ACCT 201 ACCOU 1140 
Microeconomics ECON 201 ECONO 2202 
Statistics STAT 103 MTH 107
Public Speaking COMM 101 COM 100 
Psychology PSYCH 101 PY 100
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