Loyola University Chicago

Department of Physics

Minutes for the Sacramento meeting of the Committee on International Education

Members Present: J. Fitzgibbons (Chair), G. Aubrecht, J. Drenchko, S. George, H. Manos, G. Ramsey, H. Sadaghiani
Guests Present: D. Franklin, L. Jossem, T. Mzoughi, R. Pam, B. Preece, C. Robertson, F. Tam, J. Tobochnik, G. Williams, D. Zollman
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, August 3, 2004.
Members and friends present introduced themselves. The minutes of the winter meeting at Miami were unanimously approved. (Moved: Manos, second: Ramsey).

A. The Chair briefed the committee about sponsored sessions at this meeting.
Session BC: Physics Teaching Around the World
Session DM & DP (With Committee on Minorities): Physics Education in Africa, Parts I & II

B. Sessions for Albuquerque (Winter 2005)
1. Physics Teaching Around the World
2. With the National Society of Hispanic Physicists:
a. Physics education in the southwest
b. Physics south of the border
3. Preparation for physics teaching: a global perspective (with teacher preparation)

C. Sessions for Salt Lake (Summer 2005)
1. Physics Teaching Around the World
2. Others were solicited
3. A possible speaker was suggested: (H. Sadaghiani) Gyoungho Lee from Korea, subject “Conceptual Mapping in Physics”

D. Sessions for Anchorage and Syracuse (2006)
1. Physics Teaching Around the World
2. Others were solicited

A. Proposed changes in the meeting format: AAPT Board
Ideas floated: One meeting per year, regional meetings replacing one national, extra day in the summer meeting, formats; they are soliciting ideas via the Web and the Announcer

B. IACPE, “World View on Physics Education in 2005: Focusing on change”, Delhi, India 21-26 August 2005. Two motions were made and passed.
1. Encourage the Board to be a sponsor for this meeting: (motion: Aubrecht, second: Ramsey) – passed unanimously.
2. Encourage the Board (and CEO) to seek support to provide a delegation for this meeting – find external funding (~$50,000) (motion: Aubrecht, second: Manos) – passed unanimously.

C. 7th International Conference on Computer Based Learning, Zilina, Slovakia: 2-7 July 2005. For information, see http://www.utc.sk/cblis/

D. Exchange with India and Nepal (S. George) – objective: to learn about new lab techniques. Need four people for one month (possibly in conjunction with IACPE meeting in India, see B above) – seeking volunteers and suggestions.

E. Pakistani proposal (H. Manos): “Science Faculty Training and Development of Prototype Teaching Laboratories Program” and
“The Need for a Revolutionary New Approach to Science in Pakistani Schools”.
It was suggested that interested teachers should possibly meet in a neutral country. P. Hoodbhoy of Pakistan can take the initiative. H. Manos will contact him to guarantee continued interest, have him offer suggestions for proceeding, find out his needs and what they want to see.

F. International contests for students – D. Franklin
1. Perimeter Institute, Waterloo Canada: Canadian HS program: 1st International summer school for sharing international students – select two HS US students from those juniors not making the Olympic team – 2 weeks pay for airfare – more info to follow
2. First International Jr. Science Olympiad in Jakarta – age under 16 – December 5-14, 2004; putting a team together at this time
URL: http://www.ijso-smp.org
3. IYPT (International Young Physicists Team) Olympiad, Schedule: Switzerland 2005; Bratislava, Slovakia 2006; S. Korea 2007. Possibility of US hosting IYPT in conjunction with AAPT meeting in 2009. IYPT needs a university to support this – funding and hosting (dorms, food, etc.). Finals held at the start of the AAPT meeting; jurors & team leaders to submit abstracts and remain for the AAPT meeting.

G. Future international meetings announced:
1. LMFK, Akureiri, Iceland, 26-30 June 2005 – H. Kastrup and J. Mallow are planning to host a delegation from AAPT in Copenhagen prior to the meeting. Details will be forthcoming.
2. ICPE meeting at Delhi, India (see B. above in New Business)
3. Society of Women Scientists and Engineers meeting, August 2005, Seoul, Korea
4. GIREP Seminar on informal and laboratory learning, 5-9 September 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia
5. World Conference on Physics and Sustainable Development, 31 October-2 November 2005, Durban, South Africa; information available at
6. IACPE (tentative) Costa Rica, 2006

H. Board representative report: C. Robertson
Soliciting names for Fuller fund next summer - request to C. Robertson that we be notified as to the awardees.

Notes for information:
Information on international conferences and Fuller Fund nominations should be sent to G. Ramsey at gpr@hep.anl.gov. Information can be found at the committee website at: http://www.luc.edu/depts/physics/cie.html. The page is also accessible from the AAPT home page: http://www.aapt.org/.

One nomination was made for membership on the committee: (H. Sadaghiani) Lei Bao from Ohio State University.

Future AAPT meetings:
1. Winter - January 8-12, 2005: Albuquerque Convention Center, Albuquerque, NM. Workshop requests due May 1 and abstracts due September 9.
2. Summer - August 6-10, 2005: University of Utah Salt Lake
3. Winter - January 21-25, 2006: Egan Convention Center, Anchorage, AK
4. Summer - 2006, Syracuse, NY (probable)
5. Winter - January 2007, University of North Carolina, Greensboro, NC
6. Summer - 2007, Seattle, WA (with AAS)
7. Winter - January 2008, Baltimore, MD (probable)

The meeting was adjourned (Motion: Manos, Second: Aubrecht) at 7:30 p.m.
Submitted by G. Ramsey