Works by P.T. (Peter Taylor) Forsyth (1848-1921)
Per Crucem ad Lucem
The Church, the Gospel, and Society
The Church and the Sacraments
The Cruciality of the Cross
Faith, Freedom, and the Future
God the Holy Father
The Gospel and Authority
The Justification of God
Marriage: Its Ethic and Religion
Missions in State and Church
The Person and Place of Jesus Christ
Positive Preaching and Modern Mind
The Principle of Authority
in Relation to Certainty, Sanctity, and Society
Pulpit Parables for Young Hearers
Revelation, Old and New: Sermons and Addresses
Rome, Reform, and Reaction
The Soul of Prayer
Theology in Church and State
The Work of Christ
PDF version
The Creative Theology of P.T. Forsyth
(edited by Samuel J. Mikolaski)
Christ on Parnassus
The Atonement
Christ & the Christian Principle
London Theological Studies
The Church as the Corporate Missionary of the Gospel
Communion — The Mystic Note
The Church and the Sacraments
" from
Theology in Church and State
Faith, Metaphysic, and Incarnation
" in
Methodist Review
Faith and Mind
" in
The Methodist Review Quarterly
Forgiveness through Atonement:
The Essential of Evangelical Christianity
The Goodness of God
The Ideal City
Immanence and Incarnation
" from
The Old Faith and The New Theology
Intellectualism and Faith
" in
The Hibbert Journal
The Kingdom of God
" from
The Church and the Sacraments
Our Experience of a Triune God
The Power of the Resurrection
Revelation, Old and New
Revelation, Old and New: Sermons and Addresses
Revelation and the Person of Christ
" from
Faith and Criticism
Spiritual Experience in the Making of Theology