The Environmental Action & Leadership Minor provides knowledge of and insight into environmental issues, and develops skills in communication, group management and leadership to facilitate action toward solving environmental problems and the development of sustainable practices in society.
Requirements: 7 courses (21–22 credit hours)*; at least 3 courses must be ENVS
*A maximum of 3 courses can count toward this minor and an SES major.
Scientific Background (2 courses)
All ENVS 200-level courses, except ENVS 2xx, and 284 have ENVS 101 or ENVS 137 as pre-req.; ENVS 280 also has ENVS 237 as a pre-req.)
- ANTH 104 (The Human Ecological Footprint)
- ENVS 207 (Plants & Civilization)
- ENVS 218 (Biodiversity & Biogeography)
- ENVS 223 (Introduction to Soils)
- ENVS 224 (Climate & Climate Change)
- ENVS 226 (Science & Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems)
- ENVS 227r (Ecology of the Mediterranean Sea)
- ENVS 237 (Foundations of Environmental Science II)
- ENVS 267 (Bird Conservation & Ecology)
- ENVS 280 (Principles of Ecology)
- ENVS 281c (Environmental Sustainability & Science in China)
- ENVS 281v (Humans and the Environment in Contemporary Vietnam)
- ENVS 283 (Environmental Sustainability)
- ENVS 288 (Applied Integrative Data Analysis)
- ENVS 340 (Natural History of Belize)
- ENVS 369 (Field Ornithology)
Ethics & Society (1 course)
- COMM 227 (Social Justice & Communication)
- ENGL 288 (Nature in Literature)
- ENVS 284 (Environmental Justice)
- HIST 292 (Environmental History)
- PHIL 287 (Environmental Ethics)
- PSYC 275a (Social Psychology)
- PSYC 277 (Environmental Psychology)
- SOCL 234 (Cities, Suburbs & Beyond)
- SOCL 261 (Social Movements & Social Change)
- SOCL 272 (Environmental Sociology) [moved from PLA]
- SOCL 276 (Sociology & the Politics of Food)
- THEO 184 (Moral Problems: Ecology Crisis)
- THEO 344 (Theology & Ecology)
Policy, Leadership & Action (3 courses)
- COMM 268 (Persuasion)
- COMM 306 (Environmental Advocacy)
- ECON 328b (Environmental Economics)
- ENVS 310 (Environmental Law)
- ENVS 363 (Introduction to Sustainable Business)
- ENVS 383 (Human Dimensions of Conservation)
- MGMT 201 (Managing People & Organizations)
- MGMT 320c (Leading & Managing Teams)
- PLSC 354 (Global Environmental Politics)
- PLSC 392 (Environmental Politics)
Application (1 course)
- ENVS 350a (STEP: Water)
- ENVS 350f (STEP: Food Systems)
- ENVS 380 (Introduction to GIS)
- ENVS 391 (Independent Environ. Research)
- ENVS 395 (Environmental Internship)
Pre-requisites: a. PSYC 101; b. ECON 201; c. MGMT 201
The Environmental Science Minor provides a base in the science, social & political issues, and methods relevant to understanding environmental issues and working to solve environmental problems.
Requirements: 7 courses (21–22 credit hours)*; at least 3 courses must be ENVS
*A maximum of 3 courses can count toward this minor and an SES major.
Environmental/Ecological Science (4 courses)
All ENVS 200-level courses, except ENVS 284 have ENVS 101 or ENVS 137 as pre-req.
- ANTH 104 (The Human Ecological Footprint)
- ENVS 207 (Plants & Civilization)
- ENVS 218 (Biodiversity & Biogeography)
- ENVS 223 (Introduction to Soils)
- ENVS 224 (Climate & Climate Change)
- ENVS 226 (Science & Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems)
- ENVS 227r (Ecology of the Mediterranean Sea)
- ENVS 237 (Foundations of Environmental Science II)
- ENVS 267 (Bird Conservation & Ecology)
- ENVS 273 (Energy & the Environment)
- ENVS 280a (Principles of Ecology) or BIOL 265 [Ecology]
- ENVS 281c (Environmental Sustainability & Science in China)
- ENVS 281v (Humans and the Environment in Contemporary Vietnam)
- ENVS 283 (Environmental Sustainability)
- ENVS 319c (Winter Ecology)
- ENVS 340 (Natural History of Belize)
- ENVS 345c (Conservation & Sustainability in Neotropical Ecosystems)
- ENVS 369 (Field Ornithology)
Policy, Business & Society (1 course)
- ECON 328b (Environmental Economics)
- ENVS 284 (Environmental Justice)
- ENVS 310 (Environmental Law)
- ENVS 363 (Introduction to Sustainable Business)
- ENVS 383 (Human Dimensions of Conservation)
- HIST 292 (Environmental History)
- PLSC 354 (Global Environmental Politics)
- PLSC 392 (Environmental Politics)
- SOCL 272 (Environmental Sociology)
- SOCL 276 (Sociology & the Politics of Food)
Methods & Application (2 courses)
- ENVS 288 (Applied Interdisciplinary Data Analysis)
- ENVS 350a (STEP: Water)
- ENVS 350f (STEP: Food Systems)
- ENVS 391 (Independent Environ. Research)
- ENVS 380 (Introduction to GIS)
- ENVS 395 (Environmental Internship)
- SOCL 301e (Statistics for Social Research)
- STAT 303f (SAS Programming & Appl. Statistics)
- STAT 307h (Statistical Design & Analysis of Experiments)
- STAT 310g (Categorical Data Analysis)
- STAT/BIOL 335i (Intro. to Biostatistics)
Pre-requisites: a. ENVS 237; b. ECON 201; c. ENVS 280 or BIOL 265 [or instructor permission]; e. SOCL 206; f. STAT 103, 203 or 335; g. BIOL 355 or STAT 203; h. STAT 203 or 355; i. BIOL 102 & MATH 132 or 162.
Appropriate substitutions from other departments may be allowed.
Contact Dr. Christopher Peterson (BVM Hall 316—773.508.2950) to obtain application forms and to discuss your interests and needs.
The Environmental Economics and Sustainability Minor provides a broad understanding of how the environment and the economy are linked; to prepare students for careers in government, consulting, law and for-profit business. The program also offers the essential courses to prepare for a masters in environmental economics, agricultural economics or environmental management.
Requirements: 6 courses (18 hours); A maximum of 2 courses can count toward this minor and any other major or minor.
- ECON 201: Principles of Microeconomics -or- ECON 202: Principles of Macroeconomics
- ENVS 335: Ecological Economics -or- ECON 328: Environmental Economics
- ENVS 283: Environmental Sustainability
- ENVS 327: Food Systems Analysis
- ENVS 335: Ecological Economics (if not taken as a minor Core Class)
- ENVS 384: Conservation Economics
- ENVS 388: Applied Environmental Statistics
- ECON 202: Principles of Macroeconomics (if not taken as a minor Core Class)
- ECON 303: Intermediate Microeconomics
- ECON 320: Urban Economics
- ECON 325: Economics of Growth & Development
- ECON 328: Environmental Economics (if not taken as a minor Core Class)
- ECON 329: Health Economics
- ECON 346: Econometrics
- ENVS 327: ENVS 203 -or- STAT 103
- ENVS 335: ECON 201
- ENVS 384: ECON 201
- ENVS 388: ENVS 203 -or- STAT 103
- ECON 303: ECON 201 -and- ECON 202
- ECON 320: ECON 201 -and- ECON 202
- ECON 325: ECON 201 -and- ECON 202
- ECON 328: ECON 201
- ECON 329: ECON 201 -and- ECON 202
- ECON 346: ECON 201, ECON 202, MATH 131, -and- ISSCM 241
*Students wishing to pursue graduate study in applied economics or related field should also take intermediate microeconomics (ECON 303) and the calculus course sequence (MATH 161 and 162).
The School of Environmental Sustainability offers three minors:
- Environmental Action & Leadership
- Environmental Science
- Environmental Economics & Sustainability