
Talk to an Advisor

If you are a first or second year student, your advisor is in First and Second Year Advising (FSYA). Please visit the FSYA site for more information on how to schedule an appointment or use their Express Advising services.

Schedule an Appointment

Students in their third year and above and transfer students may schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor using Navigate. Advisors are currently offering both in-person and virtual appointment options.

CAS Academic Advisor offices are located on the fourth floor of Cuneo Hall.

Express Advising

Express Advising is available virtually during the fall and spring semesters using an online chat platform for juniors, seniors and transfer students in CAS. Please note that Express Advising is only available during standard business hours - we cannot respond to any chat messages received outside of our scheduled hours. Students will be helped in the order in which they join the queue.

Note: Express Advising will not be available during Labor Day, Mid-semester (Fall) Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break (between Fall and Spring semesters), Spring Break, Easter Break, Final Exam Weeks, or during the summer (May-August).

Express Advising is held every Monday - Thursday from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CST)

Extended Express Advising Hours

Spring Semester Late Registration Monday-Friday, January 13th-17th; andTuesday, January 20th 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Summer 2025 Registration Monday, February 10th 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Last Day to Withdraw With "W" Grade(Regular Session Courses) Monday, March 24th 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Pre-Registration Advising & Check Your Audit Thursday, April 3rd  9:00 AM – 3:30 PM 
Pre-Registration Advising & Check Your Audit Friday, April 4th  9:00 AM - 3:30 AM
Spring 2025 Registration  Monday & Tuesday:April 7th - April 8th 
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  Wednesday-FridayApril 9th-April 11th  9:00 AM - 3:30 PM


If you are a first or second year student, your advisor is in First and Second Year Advising (FSYA). Please visit the FSYA site for more information on how to schedule an appointment or use their Express Advising services.

Schedule an Appointment

Students in their third year and above and transfer students may schedule an appointment with their assigned advisor using Navigate. Advisors are currently offering both in-person and virtual appointment options.

CAS Academic Advisor offices are located on the fourth floor of Cuneo Hall.

Express Advising

Express Advising is available virtually during the fall and spring semesters using an online chat platform for juniors, seniors and transfer students in CAS. Please note that Express Advising is only available during standard business hours - we cannot respond to any chat messages received outside of our scheduled hours. Students will be helped in the order in which they join the queue.

Note: Express Advising will not be available during Labor Day, Mid-semester (Fall) Break, Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break (between Fall and Spring semesters), Spring Break, Easter Break, Final Exam Weeks, or during the summer (May-August).

Express Advising is held every Monday - Thursday from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM (CST)